Adrienne specializes orders dealing with food services or production -- including restaurants, chefs, and specialty topics, real estate, travel -- to include destination resorts, cruises and group tours, urban agriculture and sustainability. She also works with real estate agents to improve their property listings and promotional materials, and has collaborated with motivational coaches and educational institutions to develop online course outlines, study guides and testing materials.
If you can describe your needs, Adrienne will work with you to provide the written materials you require. Pricing and delivery schedules will depend on the extent of research required and the complexity of the information to be presented.
Adrienne C. is insatiably curious and endlessly fascinated by people and events. Travel, education, urban growth and renewal, history, business and finance, agriculture, food and nutrition, cooking, restaurants, healthy living, aging, building and development, space travel and scientific breakthroughs, medicine, veterans affairs -- her list of interests and breadth of knowledge is extensive. Still, she is always willing to research new topics and explore additional viewpoints. How can Adrienne help you tell your story?
Adrienne, during her time at the U of M, wrote for the Minnesota Daily, edited the award-winning Gopher Yearbook during her junior year, and was employed part-time as assistant editor of The Minnesotan, a staff-faculty magazine, during her senior year.
She was awarded the highest honor the University of Minnesota bestows on students, the North Star Award, for her academic achievements and extracurricular activities.
Adrienne C. held a New Mexico contractor's license for more than a decade and worked closely with Realtors, lenders, subcontractors and government officials. She has written numerous pieces on all aspects of building, financing and construction for local and national publications. She currently writes about design, staging and subdivisions, contributes to various blogs throughout the country, and has developed websites for builders and developers. Adaptable as a chameleon, she is more than willing to help you with your real estate topics.
In addition to writing about construction in all its various aspects from design to safety considerations, both for commercial and residential projects, this writer held a New Mexico construction license for more than 15 years and was CEO of her own residential design-build firm in Santa Fe from 1995 through 2007. She worked with clients, subcontractors, building officials, lenders and city officials to complete custom homes and remodels in the City Different. She is an experienced real estate home stager who was co-owner of a staging and design firm in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. In addition, she once served as vice president of a commercial construction firm specializing in restaurant remodel contracts throughout the United States.
Adrienne has written a variety of articles, from how-to and informational posts to in-depth interviews with homeowners and builders; she is knowledgeable about the systems that go into a house, and she can capture the "spirit" of lifestyle descriptions for a wide spectrum of readers. She is as comfortable talking about bathroom fixtures as she is writing about choosing nursery color schemes, and can discuss roofing materials with a familiarity born of her construction experience as well as describing the aesthetic and functional appeal of recycled glass tiles on a kitchen backsplash.
Health topics, with an emphasis on how food can affect human health and well-being, are favorite choices for this writer. Adrienne is well-versed in areas of natural growing, food safety, additives and preservatives, government regulation, organic growing and alternative farming methods. Her published articles range from news coverage of GMO topics to current research on contaminated water supplies to the worldwide food crisis. Primarily interested in news on health topics, she also contributes to a number of online publications dealing with urban agriculture and food production.
Writing on subjects ranging from natural remedies to cutting-edge cataract surgery, this writer researches medical topics thoroughly to present fair, accurate and up-to-date information to her readers. Adrienne believes in a balanced approach to medical subjects, often detailing the history of a treatment or an approach as well as its effects. She always searches out reputable sources, and will not rely on scanty claims or unproven information in writing her pieces, whether blog posts or scientific papers. She writes regular pieces on chiropractic topics, and has tackled a number of articles on aging and memory problems. Adrienne has also completed numerous blog posts on pet care and pet health for many veterinarians.
Adrienne has had travel stories published both in print media and online. She has written a variety of articles based on her own travels in the United States and abroad. Her specialty and first preference is for insightful memoir pieces based on her personal experiences. However, she is also adept at research and can produce well-organized guides for first-time visitors to a specific locale, insightful suggestions for travel to popular destinations, and humorous shorts about travel perils. Never simply recounting facts, her travel articles, blog posts, recommendations and guides are full of personality and unique observations. Adrienne also has photographs to document her writings about many of the world's favorite spots, and some truly off-the-grid destinations.
Adrienne has been writing about healthy food and living well for more than five years, with a number of pieces published under her byline. She also writes PR and promotional pieces for a number of clients, with topics ranging from local growers to sustainable farming to worldwide hunger and wasted food resources.
In addition, she writes "lighter" articles about food preparation, simple cooking, entertaining, and teaching children to eat, prepare and enjoy "real food."
Big business, small business, business in the digital age; whatever your need, Adrienne can tell your story effectively to your board, your buyers, your employees or the public. With experience writing in-house newsletters, annual reports, news releases and blog posts, she will perform any research needed in order to communicate your message. Adrienne knows when to employ a lighthearted, informal tone, but can also be authoritative and earnest when necessary.
Writing on fashion and design, for women's clothing, jewelry and home decor is a specialty niche that Adrienne enjoys, from the perspective of contrasting current trends and lasting style. Drawing on her experiences living in Paris and studying the French approach to life, she writes with a unique voice, sometimes adding humor to make a point, but always drawing on historical fact and a wealth of personal experience.
Adrienne has written about beef cattle and dairy farms, school gardening programs and the FFA, the joys of living on an apple farm and the problems of the small family farmer. She has also completed a number of articles, press releases, and informational brochures for an urban aquaponics firm, and contributes to both print and online publications dealing with urban farming and sustainable agriculture. If you have a need for well-researched and well-written pieces, from social media posts to research papers, she can help you.
This writer has completed pieces for custom tailors, major jewelers, high-fashion retailers and local designers; and her work has appeared in advertising, well-read blogs and a variety of online publications. She breathes fresh spirit into all her writing, with a command of the language that can be directed at hip teenagers or moneyed senior citizens. She is well-traveled and knowledgeable about major shopping venues worldwide, and thoroughly enjoys the challenge of researching new topics. She is as adept writing about fashion and design as she is about luxury yacht decor, and can write promotional advertising copy as well as travel commentary. If you have questions, please send a message.
Adrienne, in her capacity as a food writer, has written many articles on nutrition and the value of eating right. She has also published results of medical and nutritional studies, in addition to profiles of leading practitioners in the field. She enjoys separating fact from fiction, food fad from truth, and passing along knowledge which will improve health and energy levels for children and adults.
Adrienne has written a variety of blog posts for banks and credit unions as well as research articles for mortgage lenders. She has also published pieces under her own byline on budgeting and credit management. She is thorough in finding resources to support her advice and her conclusions, and she can write authoritative copy suitable for professionals in the field of finance, as well as engaging and helpful posts for both young people and senior citizens.
She is adept in conforming to a client's preferred style, and is experienced enough to ask pertinent questions to insure accuracy in all her work.
Adrienne maintains a personal lifestyle blog, concentrating on home design, healthy eating, backyard gardening and "attitude adjustment" to maintain mental health and acuity. She also addresses aging and the difficult topics of dealing with illness and separation. She has written for hospice, senior care facilities, financial planners, and individual physicians, chefs, farmers and counselors to discuss a wide range of topics and toprovide information on resources available to improve quality of life for all ages and circumstances.
As a designer/builder for many years, Adrienne honed her skills for both architectural and interior design, and developed an appreciation for all things beautiful and expressive (in addition to words).
She now "moonlights" only occasionally as a home stager, assisting owners and real estate agents in selling homes quickly and for top dollar. But she nonetheless always looks at a house as a "personality," seeking to showcase its assets in the best possible way. She treats writing orders in the same way, viewing each as an individual challenge and seeking to express ideas in the best possible way.
She has written about all aspects of design, from color principles to home staging, from historical styles to "breaking the rules" in decorating. Most of what she writes stems from first-hand, hands-on experience.
Knowledgeable about the hospitality industry, both as a consumer and a writer, this writer has completed a variety of projects for hotel chains, restaurants, chefs and small growers who supply restaurant and catering companies. She has also collaborated on promotional brochures for individual B&Bs, as well as national hotel chains and exclusive resorts. If you need an enthusiastic partner to promote anything from rental furniture for corporate events to table linens and venue decorations for large-scale weddings, Adrienne will deliver! As an influencer, she writes about worldwide destinations, and is well-known for her vivid essays about out-of-the-way destinations and unusual experiences.
Adrienne has written about chefs, pop-up restaurants, farm to table ventures and both aquaponics farms and mushroom growers who have built entrepreneurial enterprises selling at farmers markets and to wholesale purveyors.
She is knowledgeable about the food and drink industry, and has numerous clients in the United States as well as international companies who call on her expertise.
Adrienne is passionate about good food, nutrition, healthy living, food production and delivery, farmers markets and urban agriculture. She is knowledgeable and involved in the whole spectrum of natural food movements, eating properly and green initiatives. She is concerned about diet and wellness, innovative growing systems, food deserts and community gardens, and she is highly knowledgeable about efforts in her own community to provide opportunities for people to access abundant, natural, good-tasting, properly prepared real food.
As an advocate for farmers and growers, she loves writing about edible landscape and all types of home and school gardens and gardening efforts. While much of her writing is about food gardens, she also writes about xeriscapes, water management and specialized gardening, including fish ponds and ornamental formal gardens.
Even though much of her garden writing has been for private clients, Adrienne C. would be happy to discuss your needs for continuing blog posts or for research articles.
This writer has completed blog posts for a major nationwide non-profit, as well as press releases and news stories for regional food banks and the local projects of nationally-known charities. She is well aware of the need for such groups and organizations to create favorable impressions in order to generate funds and good will, and is able to tell the stories of the work being done in a journalistic style that maximizes the impact.
Green living is such a broad topic, with so many sub-categories, that it is difficult to single out one aspect to highlight. Adrienne has been writing about the subject for a number of years -- with published pieces on building codes and energy-saving home features, ways for families to begin a recycling way of life, the cost-saving benefits of utilizing reclaimed and repurposed goods, and the growing international crises of food production and supply, water pollution and disappearing resources.
She is a diligent researcher, trained to sort facts from false claims, and she takes the time to understand a subject thoroughly before writing about it.
From simple informational articles to treatise-length business proposals, Adrienne is willing to consider any proposal. Please contact her for additional information.
This writer is knowledgeable about numerous topics that pertain to the diverse field of energy, from Gulf drilling to pipeline disputes, from fracking concerns to the plight of coal-mining families, and from decades-old hydroelectric facilities to low-emission natural gas power generation and future plans for massive wind and solar farms, BESS technology and Zero-net goal achievement by 2050. Count on Adrienne to introduce your readers to the important topics and to present ideas in an understandable, meaningful manner.
Adrienne is well versed about the emerging technology of broadband communication and fiber optics, the development of community solar and wind farms, and efforts to reduce carbon emissions of existing power-generation and strengthen the nation's power grid while building for future needs.
She is open to discussing ongoing projects that require research and in- depth understanding of the needs and problems.
Sometimes it's good to poke fun at everyday situations -- laughter is, indeed, good medicine. Adrienne writes from the heart, and often finds humor in the simplest of events. She can write tongue-in-cheek posts on serious subjects, and she often relies on humor to make a point. Her readers appreciate that she can lead them into "guffaws and giggles" through her words. Just don't ask her to tell a joke in person -- she often forgets the punch line and ends up laughing at herself!
Adrienne has written blog posts and articles for local and national utility companies, primarily firms in the emerging field of solar farming and public/private partnerships to foster green technology. She is well-informed about efforts and statistics not only in the United States, but also in Canadian provinces and in some parts of Europe and Asia.
From quick notes about a new product or an upcoming show to thoughtful pieces for non-profits to informational posts for business, Adrienne has done it all. She has written guest posts for the real estate community on topics as varied as exterior color choices and market trends, and for locations and consumers across the country.
Home design and construction, gardening, urban farming, cultural events, education, volunteering, sustainable living and green topics are among her varied interests.
Adrienne also is proficient as a writer of travel pieces, usually with a bit of personal flair because she has been lucky enough to wander the globe, experiencing places, cultures and events.
No stranger to research, she will also research a topic for you in order to provide a fact-packed blog post to meet your needs.
In-depth articles on interesting subjects, background pieces in conjunction with current news topics, profiles of people, places and occurrences -- these are the focus of much of Adrienne's work. Her writing is sometimes straight reporting offered with a new twist; sometimes it is personal memoir; and often it is a quick glimpse into the humanity around us.
Whatever the subject, however, and whoever the target audience, she always writes with clarity and precision; presenting a wealth of ideas through an economy of words.
Her articles represent a full spectrum of subjects, with additional excerpts available upon request.
Adrienne has worked with non-profit organizations and small businesses, national real estate firms, artists and construction companies, among others, tostreamline and adapt so-so websites into graphically pleasing, attractive and welcoming sites. She is adept at generating visitor response, experienced at boosting SEO, and her goal is always to maximize recognition and participate on the part of site visitors. Her involvement extends beyond the words to the concepts, the images, the type faces, and the graphics.
She is especially adept at helping clients develop infographics, and enjoys matching the words to the graphics to tell a story.
Throughout her career, whether employed by a for-profit firm, volunteering with a non-profit, or working as a freelancer, this writer has become proficient at writing news stories and press releases on a wide variety of topics. She knows the format for both print media and online publication, and writes interesting, pertinent copy that gets published.
This writer has worked with clients in a variety of fields to produce both print and online newsletters directed to clients, and designed to inform and explain products as well as business trends and procedures. She has also worked with four different non-profits, producing monthly newsletters about ongoing projects, special events and fundraising efforts. She is a consummate professional, and she knows how to frame the message so that it promotes the most good.
Adrienne C. began ghostwriting speeches for college department heads, and even the University president, while she was still a student at the University of Minnesota. She later worked in the public relations department at Assumption College in Massachusetts, where she continued her efforts to help those in positions of power sound good at formal and informal press conferences and seminars.
She has also written speeches for homebuilding officials, and created "talking points" for news events and people in the public eye.
Adrienne C. is an accomplished public speaker in her own right, and has also prepared scripts and speeches for a variety of seminars and business conferences.
She will be happy to work with you to get that presentation "just right," whether for a gathering of hundreds, or an informal seminar for 20. She is adept at writing for live speakers and can engage listeners through video scripts as well.
Adrienne has designed and written the copy for a variety of brochure types, including homes, small companies, educational seminars, and non-profit corporations. She is adept at layout, working with graphic design and photographs, and writing the descriptive copy and headlines.
This writer has varied experience preparing written presentations for business firms, non-profit organizations and educational entities. She is experienced at interweaving audio-visual components to generate interest in a subject; and has an innate sense of timing and suitability that she employs to keep a reader -- or an audience -- engaged.
Ask Adrienne to help with your next manual, syllabus, infographic or presentation -- let her call upon her professional experience as a wordsmith, photographer and graphic designer to help you with a complete package.