After writing a short story based on a favorite video game in sixth grade, creating a "Dungeons and Dragons" (D&D) role-playing game for the neighborhood kids turned out to be a vector for writing stories that others can relate to enough to envision themselves within. Shifting into poetry and songwriting, empathy further developed into writing letters to pen-pals farther than this writer has ever traveled, and chat room counsel-writing in an attempt to help people navigate their grief or despair. After publishing two books, research into world issues and governments spawned a lot of article and blog-writing, and an accumulation of self-taught search engine optimization (SEO) via trial and error objective research amidst much misinformation.
Without stating the obvious, a fascination with life and nature has obtained mainly outdoor activities, with or without other people. Pouncing into Martial Arts rekindled mirror-ability to reflect within again, refining wise-attention to include the Self -- while having loads of fun! Aided long-term by much memorable Photography, immersion into the perspectives of others grew new roots in Psychology studies. From there, a gained understanding of collective humanity -- including the precious planet and ancient history -- then shifted paradigms and procured a drive to strive to unlearn and relearn history correctly. Inevitably, an interest in correcting errors and an open-ended story of human co-evolution with the planet presently presides.
This course required an aptitude test to qualify, and they accepted him because he corrected both a typo in their wording on the aptitude test, and answered one of their test questions in a way nobody ever had before. They wrote several articles, mostly fiction but a few non-fiction. His instructor had all great things to say about his work, and on some pieces had trouble finding anything to correct at all.
After two years of clashing with FCHS -- dropping out, no drive to learn, partial homeschooling, etc. -- Centennial was the place to Thrive, make up for lagging credits, and graduate with honors.
As a middle child with two older and two younger siblings, J.T. has accrued family mediation and observation skills, as well as communication and relationship development. This author has synthesized his own life experiences and knowledge about family and relationships with more experienced role models like Dr. Sears, Dr. Greene, Gary Chapman, and even Ross Campbell; the works of whom he has studied with a passion.
J.T. is well versed in detecting and neutralizing covert bullying, of all types, including simple techniques and solutions in dealing with such atrocious behaviors. He has found that most solutions are revealed by digging to the root of any problem, rather than covering up or dealing with only symptoms, and has discovered that the base of most family issues are either lack of empathy or poor communication.
Through his writing, J.T. will demonstrate how the branches of any given family tree may be ambiguous -- varying due to the uniqueness of each family, and analogous to different types of bark and leaves or residing animals and insects -- but overall, the roots are still roots in need of nutrient-rich soil, pure water, and plenty of life-giving sunlight! To J.T., the value of what kind of trees our future seeds will grow into are paramount in pertinence.
Personal experience in Fatherhood is rather new, but still has only affirmed what J.T. has already learned. With a wife, and daughter born in January of 2013, his knowledge and wisdom of children and family is ever growing.
So far only self-published, ordering books and selling them -- not only to friends and family but also strangers -- has allowed J.T. to build experience in marketability. Creating a "first edition" published piece may have given some readers of said books a financial advantage if the completed story's roots grow fame.
Endowed with a stable root structure of learning ability, J.T. is mostly self-taught. Remaining credit can be attributed to all the people and external affectuations, including but not limited to the public education system which -- beyond middle school -- mostly reinforced his choice to continue to self teach by showing him how not to teach.
J.T. has helped others learn along the way, and continues to educate others via an increasing reservoir of knowledge and wisdom, even when not paid for the service, happily. When taking the Long Ridge Writer's Group course, he detected a couple typos, marking them for whomever would grade the test, and filled out the "describe how to perform a task" section with a "how to" about teaching yourself to perform a task.
Years later, when attempting an online college course, J.T. assisted the professor in answering questions from other students, essentially acting as a teacher-aid for an English class.
Since the age of fourteen, externally-taught morals did not make sense to J.T.. Raised Mormon, he began exploring other religions because he just could not accept that Mormonism held absolute truth. Through that journey, he adopted the Buddhist-Shaman type perspective while keeping an open mind, open to any correction of errors or new information that could possibly shift paradigms. Fifteen years later, he has finally found a comfortable niche in Spirituality, with a stable foundation built from researching many religions, and ancient history including the Gnostics and Celts who were slaughtered for trying to contest the validity of Salvationism (the Abrahamic religions). Ultimately, J.T. has concluded that the root problem of people not having morals is not a lack of religion, but rather a suffering of a psychosis pathogen called Wetiko, that is both collective and individual, a lack of empathy, and cognitive dissonance which inhibits the learning process.
Aside from knowledge and wisdom, J.T. has applied his experience delving into and through spiritual rabbit holes to raw people and their real life issues in the form of counseling, advice, and leadership.
J.T. has absorbed the works of Gary Chapman, author of "The Five Love Languages" series, and reflected within to realize the "love languages" can also be applied to the Self.
"If each individual is whole, relationships tend to also be whole," he says, knowing from several of his own past relationships failings. J.T. has learned that empathy and communication, paired with active listening and the ability to admit errors so they can be corrected, are essential from both parties in order for the relationship to be a harmony; harmony is balance and balance always brings bliss.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.