SEO, blogging, household repair, healthcare, marketing, technology, health, fitness, and more.
writing, music, ballet, food, coffee
Kaitlin has completed the requirements for the M.A. in creative writing.
Kaitlin has completed all of the requirements for the master's degree in early childhood education.
Kaitlin holds plentiful experience as a health and fitness writer for both personal and professional writing projects.
Kaitlin is the owner of a health/fitness website and has also contributed health-related articles to major news site, India.com. During her time there, she completed numerous writing projects on a diverse range of topics. She has also enjoyed creating professional-grade content writing projects at various websites.
Kaitlin has contributed numerous articles to the home living category, both for pay and pleasure. She is dedicated to researching workable solutions for families and singles that will encourage a healthier home environment.
Kaitlin has developed her own website's content. She has created this site from the ground-up, with a focus on providing customers with a highly customized shopping experience. She has also developed two blogs, one containing health topics and the other concentrated on money-saving techniques.