Jean L
Writer #89870
Joined 5/6/2024
3 Star Rating
196 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Jean has a wealth of writing experience gained within her previous b2b marketing research career spanning 20 years. She researched and produced a series of consultative reports for, and presentations to, blue chip clients. Her clients were from a wide range of industries (leisure, retail, finance), seeking solutions on a myriad of complex business issues. This experience provided Jean with the opportunity to delve deep into primary and secondary research methods and to deliver data-driven insights, providing maximum value to her clients.

Jean has also delivered undergraduate and postgraduate marketing programs at various UK universities over the last decade. This has allowed her to keep up-to-date with both marketing theory and its application. She has been responsible for assisting with online curriculum design and assessments.
Green Living
Product Description
Case Studies
Blog Post
Facebook Post
5 More


As a result of her extensive b2b marketing research and teaching experience, Jean has a keen interest in the application of marketing principles to help businesses achieve their goals. Her report writing skills have demanded a high level of thought leadership but also the provision of actionable goals (perfect for less in-depth blog posts). The study of marketing principles has enabled Jean to consider the psychology of persuasion, useful in almost all sales communications.

Jean has a lot of experience providing written (and verbal) communications for different stakeholders and audiences with varying degrees of subject knowledge. This has honed an ability to craft content in its simplest or most complex form written with the intended audience in mind.


Due to an extensive b2b career in marketing research, Jean's special interest is in business marketing content. Combined with education experience at various UK universities, Jean has a keen interest in elearning, entrepreneurship and start up businesses. As marketing principles can be applied across all sectors, Jean is open to opportunities to write marketing content for a range of sectors.


University of Strathclyde

Covering International Business Strategy and Marketing

Queens University Belfast

A four year degree course covering various Business Administration modules and Spanish Language and Literature. One year was spent at ICADE, an international business school in Madrid. I also completed TEFL course and taught English at evening classes. Elected options for Marketing and Psychology were selected which helped in my subsequent career. A final Dissertation was conducted on developing a new leisure attraction in N. Ireland.


10 Projects Completed

Jean has delivered a series of undergraduate and postgraduate marketing programs within various UK universities over the last 10 years. She is up-to-date and well informed of both marketing theory and practice. Jean regularly reads academic journals which critique current marketing practices and predict future trends, providing her with plenty of fresh material for thought leadership articles.

Please see recent articles here -


10 Projects Completed

Jean has taught Business and Marketing undergraduate and postgraduate courses for a decade at various UK universities. Her role requires being informed of current and predicted trends within the marketing industry. She is also involved in curriculum and assessment design and writing.

Jean has a particular interest in marketing within the e-learning industry (


3 Projects Completed

Jean has recently published a series of SaaS marketing articles for elearning industry. She is keen to extend her experience within this sector.


1 Projects Completed

Jean has written product descriptions and blog posts for an e-commerce jewellery brand.

Links -


1 Projects Completed

Jean has limited experience in this genre but is keen to expand her knowledge by writing for more spiritually-focused publications.

Published -


1 Projects Completed

Jean had written product descriptions and several blog posts for an e-commerce wedding jewellery brand -

Green Living

1 Projects Completed

Jean has written a blog post/landing page based on sustainable fashion and is keen to extend her experience in this sector.

Published -

White Paper

50 Projects Completed

In her previous b2b marketing research career, Jean wrote many authoritative reports, providing data-driven insights based on comprehensive primary and secondary research studies. These were produced for blue chip clients across a range of industries and were distributed to various stakeholders both internally and externally.


50 Projects Completed

During her 20 year b2b career, Jean was responsible for producing many presentations to her clients. She also participated in industry networking events and international conferences delivering presentations on a wide range of marketing subjects.

Facebook Post

20 Projects Completed

Jean has assisted an e-commerce brand with their social media strategy and has written a number of Facebook posts for the brand.

Brand -

Email Copy

20 Projects Completed

As founder of an e-commerce retail brand, Jean has written various e-mail campaigns targeting a range of different demographics.

Website -

Blog Post

15 Projects Completed

Jean has written (and uploaded) a number of blog posts for an e-commerce jewellery website (

Jean has also written a number of posts for clients through iWriter on spirituality, home decor and sustainable living.

Case Studies

10 Projects Completed

Jean has delivered undergraduate and postgraduate marketing programs at various UK universities in the last 10 years. She assisted with curriculum design and assessments and has compiled various case studies as part of this role. These have allowed students to demonstrate their application of marketing theory.


3 Projects Completed

Jean has recently published a series of marketing thought leadership articles for the e-learning industry (

Product Description

1 Projects Completed

Jean wrote several hundred product descriptions for e-commerce jewellery site ( The brand voice was 'refined and elegant' and aimed towards higher income bracket buyer.

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