Professionally Brian specializes in writing learner and quick reference guides as well as procedures published in online repositories. In addition, he has used his writing skills on a volunteer basis - editing the state newsletter of a community service organization and writing feature articles for the same organization's website.
Brian loves to read all types of fiction - he especially enjoys mysteries, thrillers, and epic fantasy.
Brian is also an avid runner - he ran his first marathon in November 2013 and continues training to run more.
Brian graduated from the College of William and Mary in 1991 with a 3.3 GPA. He was on the staff of the Flat Hat, William and Mary's newspaper, and covered stories on topics ranging from a grading system change to an anti-capital punishment protest. For his academic success and leadership on campus, Brian was named a President's Aide for his senior year at the college.
As a technical writer for a Fortune 500 bank, Brian creates new and revises existing web page content for customer-facing employees. His philosophy is to write concise, scannable copy, so bank employees can quickly and easily read it and take the correct actions to help their customers.
Brian also worked as an instructional designer for the bank and maintained new hire curricula, wrote facilitator and participant training guides, and developed storyboards for web-based training courses.
In his nearly 25 year banking career, Brian has worked in roles ranging from assistant branch manager to instructional designer. During that time, he has written and revised countless training guides and procedure documents for bank lenders. Drawing on his extensive background, Brian specializes in writing educational articles aimed at first-time or relatively inexperienced borrowers. He has written on topics ranging from the financial benefits of home ownership to how credit scores affect homeowners' mortgage rates and monthly payments.
Brian regularly follows a variety of entertainment blogs, magazines, and news sites. Using what he learns, Brian writes articles and blog posts about the latest happenings in pop culture. Brian has received multiple client endorsements for his entertainment writing.
Brian has traveled extensively in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions of the U.S. and enjoys writing about the places he has visited. His travel articles are fun and engaging and inspire readers to journey to the places about which he writes.
As a technical writer for a Fortune 500 bank, Brian creates new and revises existing web page content for customer-facing employees. His philosophy is to write concise, scannable copy, so bank employees can quickly and easily read it and take the correct actions to help their customers.
Brian has additional experience writing web content on an unpaid, volunteer basis. He writes articles and event announcements for a website viewed by over 25,000 members of a community service organization.
Brian served as the newsletter editor for the local level of a national community service organization. During the four years he served in this role, he wrote or revised hundreds of newsletter articles and received an Outstanding Newsletter award from the organization's state level. After receiving this recognition, Brian served as the state's newsletter editor for two years. During this time, he published an 8-page newsletter on a quarterly basis.
Brian R has written numerous blog posts for several industries on topics ranging from the Academy Awards to critical technical tools for businesses. He especially enjoys infusing his posts with his offbeat humor and wit. Brian's ability to communicate effectively to target audiences has earned him multiple client endorsements.
Brian has transcribed the audio portion of videos and webinars into script format. Paying close attention to detail, Brian creates transcripts that are easy-to-read. He smooths out a speaker's false starts, run-on sentences, and wandering thoughts without changing the speaker's message. Brian has also created and revised scripts for video, audio, and web training programs.
Brian created a product catalog for a manufacturer of nuclear waste casks and transport containers. Before the project, the company gave prospective clients individual data sheets which became the basis for the catalog. Brian added photos, incorporated the company's logo and brand colors, and wrote a company overview to transform the data sheets into an effective sales tool that the company still uses three years after its creation.