Brittany specializes in writing about parenting, education and personal finance. She is great at writing informational articles, instructional articles and blog-style articles for a wide variety of readers.
Outside of writing, Brittany loves singing, scrapbooking, reading, volunteering, taking care of her pet bearded dragon and spending time with her family.
Brittany has completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. She has also completed additional licensure in Middle School Language Arts and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
While Brittany is paid to give parenting advice to other moms looking for help with their children, the majority of her experience comes from parenting her own two boys, who give her a chance to test out all of her parenting advice in real life. Brittany has also read extensively on the subject of parenting, and she writes her own blog about her adventures as a parent.
Brittany has 10 years of experience in the food service industry. She has worked as a hostess, waitress, cashier and bartender in both fast food and family restaurants. During her time working in the food service, she has learned the ins and outs restaurant service, including the technology and techniques servers use to provide their guests with the best dining experience possible.
Brittany has worked as a substitute teacher. She has worked with grade levels ranging from kindergarten to high school. In addition to the usual subjects, she has also taught in Special Education and English as a Second Language classes.
Brittany has also taught summer school, worked as a tutor and volunteered in numerous schools.
Brittany is part of an online community of women where she is paid to give advice to other women on all sorts of topics that are of interest to women these days. While her discussions have covered a wide range of topics, she most frequently discusses parenting, money-saving advice, home tips and tricks, and everyday life.
Brittany has worked for other content publishing sites. She has hundreds of published articles on a variety of topics including home and family, finance and SEO strategy. Her articles consistently receive top ratings, and many clients have contacted her for additional work. She has written both short and light blog-style pieces as well as lengthy and heavily researched technical articles.
Brittany has written hundreds of articles for other online content sites. These articles have been on a variety of subjects including marketing, real estate, law and business. Her favorite topics to write about are finance and home and family topics, but she can write about anything that can be researched online.
Brittany writes a blog about finding God in the day-to-day life of a stay at home mom to two small boys. Her blog has received positive feedback for being conversational, to the point and relatable, even to people in situations other than hers. In addition to her own blog, she also loves writing blog posts for other blogs that can benefit from her easy to understand and to the point writing style.