Asset Types - Blogs, Articles, Webpages
Industries - Health, Medical, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Business, Construction, Politics, and Home Living
Olivia is a fitness and nutrition addict. She also is a news junkie who likes to stay informed about what's happening around the world. After recently completing an extensive home renovation project, she is interested in everything about home improvement and interior decorating. She has been cheering on her favorite Major League Baseball and National Football League teams since she was a kid and enjoys analyzing players and teams.
Olivia graduated with high honors.
Olivia graduated Cum Laude.
While completing her Master of Accounting degree, Olivia took courses in auditing, income taxation, estate and gift taxation, accounting information systems, healthcare finance, and global finance.
While completing her Master of Teaching English degree, Olivia spent nearly 500 hundred hours in secondary classrooms observing and student teaching. She created lesson plans to accommodate the needs of the diverse learners in her classroom. She incorporated all sorts of technology into her lessons including Power Point presentations, You-tube videos, and the use of an interactive smart screen.
Olivia strives to life a healthy life and has impressed clients with pieces about a variety of health related topics. Olivia possesses extensive experience writing about home health care and elder care subjects. She is also knowledgeable about high blood pressure, diabetes, hypothyroidism, inflammatory arthritis, hypermobile joints, and women's health issues including infertility, endometriosis, and fibroid tumors. She also has experience writing about the health benefits associated with exercise and various diets including the gluten free diet.
Olivia is a devoted wife and proud homeowner. She enjoys decorating her home with traditional and contemporary accents and began completing an extensive home renovation a couple of years ago. She has written numerous pieces about home improvement including articles relating to bathroom, kitchen, sunroom, bedroom, great room, and basement remodeling. She also has experience writing about home additions and outdoor beautification projects. Practical and knowledgeable, Olivia enjoys providing clients' audiences with useful, home living information such as cleaning, laundry, and organization tips.
Olivia is an active voter who stays informed about current politics. She enjoys writing timely blogs and articles concerning the latest political hot-button issues, races, and candidates. While she has strong political convictions, Olivia expertly crafts objective pieces about various issues and candidates according to client guidelines.
At the age of sixteen, Olivia began her fitness journey in order to lose weight. Immediately, she fell in love with exercise. Since this time, Olivia has developed fitness routines and written numerous exercise related pieces for satisfied clients. Olivia has written in-depth articles and blogs about many types of exercise including barre, yoga, Pilates, spinning, swimming, aerobics, strength-training, elliptical training, rowing, walking, and running. She also possesses experience writing about warm-ups, cool-downs, stretching, pre-workout snacks, and post-workout snacks. Olivia enjoys offering audiences practical advice about how to creatively exercise while on vacation, working, or shopping.
Raised the daughter of a minister, Olivia's Christian faith has always been an integral part of her life. She both enjoys and excels at writing commentary pieces about Christian news events. For instance, she's written about the persecution of believers abroad and various legislature changes affecting Christians. Olivia is also adept at writing faith-based advice articles.
While completing a major renovation at her home recently, Olivia gained a lot of design experience. Whether she's adding a mini chandelier to her master bedroom or installing a custom, mosaic tile backsplash in her kitchen, Olivia enjoys beautifying her space. She also relishes writing design articles that will help others turn their dreams into reality.
Olivia has written about various topics for a variety of different types of businesses. For instance, she's written articles and blogs for happy clients concerning enhancing employee motivation, retaining millennial employees, and effectively marketing a startup. Because of her writing experience and her educational background in business, she earned a Master of Accounting degree, Olivia is able to successfully meet client needs regardless of whether they originate from a small sole proprietorship or a multinational corporation.
Olivia values her relationships with family members and friends. She has written numerous pieces dealing with marriage and parenting. She also has experience writing articles about teacher and student relationships as well as the teacher and parent dynamic. She is uniquely qualified in this area due to her five years of teaching accounting at a university and her training to become a secondary English teacher.
A proud and happy homeowner, Olivia enjoys writing pieces that will help others achieve their dreams of purchasing their own place. She has written many articles outlining specifications, financial implications, and benefits of owning different types of homes including single family dwellings, condos, townhomes, duplexes, and triplexes. Olivia has also written pieces concerning buying real estate for investment purposes.
Having successfully completed a major, home renovation and planning another one, Olivia possesses knowledge about many construction related topics. She's written about diverse subjects such as installing hardwood floors, resurfacing hardwood flooring, communicating effectively with an architect, installing a kitchen backsplash, and remodeling rental properties. Olivia exceeds client expectations by transforming complex, construction material into interesting, readable content.
Olivia has earned Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Accounting degrees respectively. During her extensive college coursework, she completed several finance classes including Corporate Finance, Global Finance, and Healthcare Finance. While she is qualified to write about numerous financial related topics, she specializes in writing personal finance pieces. She enjoys providing helpful content to individuals regarding mortgages, investments, college saving plans, and obtaining a debt-free lifestyle.
Whether she's in the kitchen baking a scrumptious red velvet cake or enjoying a seafood dinner at her favorite restaurant, Olivia adores activities surrounding food. Known for her baked goods, Olivia enjoys providing her readers with useful information about how they can improve their recipes and cooking techniques. She also has experience writing about restaurant foods, nutritional aspects of different dishes, and planning parties around food.
With a closet full of carefully considered pieces, Olivia takes her wardrobe seriously. She enjoys purchasing and writing about classic staples such as cashmere sweaters, structured jackets, custom jeans, and riding boots that can be stylishly worn over and over again. Olivia also explores new trends and discovers how they can be worn seamlessly with already owned classic items. She enjoys helping others dress their bodies to accentuate their unique body types.
Olivia excels at transforming complex, medical information into content audiences can easily understand. She possesses experience writing about a myriad of medical topics including dementia, Alzheimer's disease, shoulder replacement surgery, meniscus tears, osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis, uterine fibroids, migraines, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Olivia has written numerous articles and blogs about various issues concerning women today. In her pieces, she's addressed a plethora of unique, health issues to women including infertility, fibroid tumors, hypothyroidism, and weight management. She's also written numerous articles about women's fashion, female hairstyles, wedding planning, and decorating the home. Olivia enjoys crafting informative articles about marriage and parenting as well.
After graduating from her alma mater with a Master of Accounting, Olivia was offered a teaching position at the university. For five years, she taught accounting principles to business majors and non-business majors. Olivia has more recently earned a Master of Teaching English degree. During the completion of her degree, Olivia spent nearly 500 hundred hours in secondary classrooms observing experienced teachers and student teaching. She's written pieces about preparing for college and enhancing student motivation.
For twenty years, Olivia has been an avid reader and researcher of nutritional topics. During her college course work, she completed a nutrition class. Since conquering childhood obesity as a teenager, Olivia has worked hard to eat well and maintain a healthy weight. She has experience helping readers enjoy eating at their favorite restaurants while sticking to nutritional goals. She also has written about how to implement different trends, such as a gluten-free diet, into one's personal life. Believing in the healing power of food, Olivia possesses experience writing about the nutritional benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, phytochemicals, probiotics, beta-carotene, tart cherries, and many other foods and nutrients.
Besides earning a Master of Accounting degree, Olivia taught accounting courses to both business and non-business majors at a regional university for five years. She's also passed the CPA exam. While in college, she studied various specialties including corporate taxation and estate and gift taxation. She's written blogs covering a plethora of tax topics for satisfied clients.
Having worked in college admissions, obtained a graduate degree in education, taught accounting at a regional university, and advised business students on the best methods to attain their career goals, Olivia is extremely experienced in this industry. She has written numerous articles about diverse career paths such as accounting, education, truck driving, cosmetology, and many more. Olivia's passion to see others reach their potential is evident in her career related writing.
Olivia absolutely adores beauty products. She's addicted to her lip gloss, moisturizer, and microdermabrasion wand. She's written about various beauty topics including dermal fillers, the Profractional Laser, Skintyte, CoolSculpting, facial acupuncture, and microdermabrasion.
Olivia's family members brighten her days and make her life more meaningful. She enjoys providing helpful content about kids/family topics to client audiences. Some fun topics she's written about include planning active, family vacations, serving healthy treats at kids' birthday parties, making exercise fun for kids, and caring for elderly family members.
Olivia constantly searches for ways to add meaning and purpose to her life. She enjoys helping others discover the path to happiness and contentment. She's written about various self-help topics including eliminating stress, practicing peace, changing careers, and becoming debt-free. Olivia also possesses extensive experience writing about weight loss related subjects.
Over the last three years, Olivia has written hundreds of detailed, informative articles for satisfied clients. Because she has earned graduate degrees in Accounting and English Education, Olivia is uniquely qualified to write about a diverse range of article topics.
Olivia enjoys writing creative, useful, and informative blog posts that exceed client expectations. She competently writes interesting blog posts for clients on a variety of topics including education, politics, fitness, nutrition, business, real estate, home life, design, and relationships to name a few. Olivia excels at crafting both short and longer blog posts audiences will want to read and share.
Olivia understands the important role webpages play in the business world. She's crafted several engaging and informative landing, service, and About Us webpages for satisfied clients representing many industries. Olivia employs descriptive, persuasive language and incorporates pertinent keywords seamlessly into the webpages she creates for clients.
Olivia understands the importance of immediately engaging an audience in email copy. She strives to excite, interest, and hook her audience through creating compelling subject lines and introductions. To prevent her readers from getting the urge to hit delete, Olivia utilizes easy-to-read, everyday language and personal touches. She's written several business emails covering a range of diverse topics.