Joseph D. writes press releases, webpages, articles, blogs and other forms of online content. He excels at writing about accounting, finance and business. This includes accounting for small businesses.
Joseph D. enjoys learning about quality assurance, accounting and finance. He is open to writing about new subjects and is willing to take on tough projects. Working with a team to achieve challenging objectives is rewarding.
Courses taken for this degree focused on accounting, finance, marketing and business management.
Courses taken for this degree focused on business management, economics and financial accounting.
Courses taken for this degree focused on business management, managerial and financial accounting.
Study of quality assurance, process excellence and total quality management concepts.
In order to be effective, auto content needs to convey the right mix of technical data and service-related information. Joseph D. worked in a small machine shop and is familiar with mechanical processes and the importance of customer service, which is critical for auto-related writing. Whether clients need text for blog posts, webpages or articles, his value-added content will meet or exceed expectations.
In order to add value, business writing needs to be insightful, concise and accurate. Joseph D. has the industry experience and skill to deliver high-quality results and meet or exceed clients' expectations. In addition to press releases that are distributed through major PR networks, he regularly writes business-related articles, blog posts and webpages.
Manufacturing content needs to be well-written and compelling on a technical level to be effective. Joseph D. manufactured oil sight glasses for industrial pumps, which involved running a small machine shop and turning, facing and boring acrylics. He leverages his industry experience to meet or exceed clients' expectations.
Joseph D. leverages his experience in consumer lending and corporate accounting to deliver high-quality finance content. He is familiar with a variety of technical subjects ranging from accrued interest and securitized debt to portfolio analytics. Peer-to-peer lending firms, bookkeepers, accountants and other financial professionals have all benefited from his work.
Fitness-related content needs to spark interest and motivate readers to get into the gym. As a fitness enthusiast, Joseph D. tracks the latest trends in the industry and leverages his experience to deliver value-added content. He writes blog posts, webpages and press releases all focused on physical well-being.
Tech savvy readers know how to spot deficiencies in poorly written content, which makes it important to work with a skilled and knowledgeable writer. Joseph D. covers topics ranging from cloud computing to mobile device optimization, and he is familiar with many of the latest gadget trends. Clients can trust his tight, concise content to deliver results.
As someone with industry experience, Joseph D. values high-quality hospitality content and the impact it has on target markets. He writes on topics including hotel amenities, attractions and features for destinations ranging from wellness centers in Germany to high-class resorts in Florida. His insightful content delivers favorable results.
With the proper writing vacation destinations lift off the page and inspire travelers to visit distant lands. Joseph D. uses his professional experience in the hospitality industry to deliver engaging travel-related content that adds value and perspective. He's written on countries including: Malta, South Korea, Namibia, Nepal and Brunei.
Joseph D. has written articles on personal finance, savings, stocks and a variety of other money-related subjects.
Joseph D. has written landing pages for online gambling websites and sports betting organizations. He's also written content related to Las Vegas and its many attractions.
Informative, easy to read blog posts drive web traffic and help companies build an online persona. Joseph D. writes value-added content that is tailored to target audiences and is well-formatted for the Internet. Clients receive the posts they need in a reliable and timely fashion.
Effective webpage content impacts public perception and can be the difference in generating or losing sales. Joseph D. writes well-formatted text that coveys the right message in a concise, professional manner. Companies in the construction, fitness, technology and auto industries have all benefited from his work.
Properly formatted press releases are effective tools for announcing product launches, important events and service updates. Joseph D. understands that professional communication is essential for delivering the right information to target markets. Past projects include work done for companies in the financial, travel and fitness industries among many others. There is no better source for quality press releases.
Articles have the power to spark consumer interest, educate and bring new insight into marketplace trends. Joseph D. writes pieces on subjects ranging from the hedge fund industry and investment banking to general fitness-related topics. Quality content is the goal of every assignment, and repeat clients know to expect the very best.