Vanessa quickly and intuitively grasps the intent of any job and understands how to capture tone and voice. Her background in marketing means she understands the importance of producing work that is consistent and on-brand. As a former educator, she works well with teams. Her work is wide-ranging. She often works with clients whose native language is not English, helping them communicate authentically in their voice while adhering to the rules and protocols of well-written English. She is also an editor who develops content for clients in business and academia.
Vanessa lives in the Hudson Valley of New York and enjoys hiking and walking in the Berkshire, Taconic, and Catskill mountains, reading beside the Hudson River (in the spots where riverfront space is not taken up by the railroad!), and exploring the many historic towns in the region, usually searching for really good espresso. Vanessa serves on an international non-profit board focused on women's mental health. When she is not writing for clients, she writes fiction and essays. Vanessa loves cooking, obsessively taking pictures of her cat Boo Radley, and sitting on her covered balcony when it rains.
Mental health, behavioral health, and addiction recovery blogs, articles, and press releases make up a large portion of Vanessa's annual content creation.
Vanessa was the marketing and communications director for an independent school, overseeing and producing all content including fundraising appeals, social media, emails, publications (magazine and annual report), press releases, web copy, and more. She has also written essays and articles in the field of education and parenting.
Vanessa has created blogs for a relationship coach and ghost-written a book for a sex therapist. She has written many articles about parenting as well.
Vanessa contracted for half a year as a communications and marketing consultant for a CBD farm and product manufacturer, creating content for website, advertising (print, digital, radio, eblast), and press releases.
Vanessa produces blogs for a human resources company as well as a high level management recruitment firm.
In her role as communications and marketing director for non-profits Vanessa implemented social media strategies and created content for all social media platforms.
For businesses, Vanessa has created content in the following fields, among others: mental health, addiction rehab, CBD hemp agriculture, human resources, management recruitment, education, fundraising, and health and wellness.
About half the blogs Vanessa writes are shared as newsletters. She has also created newsletter and email blast content for a range of non-profit and for-profit businesses.
Marketing content of all kind including print ads, digital ads, radio spots, email marketing, direct mail marketing, brochures, and more.
Most of Vanessa's press releases have been in the non-profit space, but she has also created press releases and packets for businesses in the fields of: CBD products, human resources, credit restoration, and yoga.
Vanessa has written articles in the following fields:
mental health, addiction rehab, CBD hemp agriculture, parenting, management recruitment, education, and health and wellness
Vanessa writes email blasts for non-profit and for-profit businesses regarding anything from a fundraising appeal to an event, a sale, new product line, or new hire. Vanessa also produces mails for management within companies and educational institutions.
Direct mail fundraising appeals, marketing content for non-profit and for-profit businesses, press packets, and more.
Vanessa has written bios and profiles for business web pages, LinkedIn, and dating sites. She has also written bios as long-form articles, press releases, and newsletters.
As a communications and marketing specialist Vanessa has written numerous radio spots in the mental health and fundraising fields.
In a previous role in development for two non-profits, Vanessa wrote many grants, and has written a few for clients, though this is not her main area of focus.
As a marketing and communications specialist, Vanessa has produced banner ad and other advertising copy for a CBD hemp company.
Vanessa has produced brochure copy for established businesses as well as start-ups in a range of fields.
Web content in a number of for-profit industries including credit solutions, yoga, fitness, apparel, and CBD among others, and non-profit organizations in industries including arts activism, education, and mental health.
Vanessa works with clients on their resumes, LinkedIn content, and cover letters during periods of job transition/searching.
Vanessa has written product descriptions for websites selling products (e.g. apparel, CBD) and for non-profit fundraising auction catalogs.
Vanessa has created content for and managed the production of several videos from 2 minutes to 8 minutes in length.
See information under web content.
Vanessa has written auction catalogs for non-profit fundraising events.
Vanessa has written eBooks and self-published books in fields such as: handwriting analysis, sex therapy, relationship coaching, and family history.
Vanessa has written speeches of all kinds from thought-leader content for CEOs and other upper level management to her most recent: a best man speech!