Chip likes to say that his job is simplifying complex information for non-expert audiences.
Whether it's distilling a brand promise to appeal to prospects at all levels of the funnel, editing and restructuring SME docs for distance learning providers, or working with thought leaders to refine their thesis into a compelling book-length narrative, Chip delivers persuasive content that's designed to engage.
Industries of focus include:
>> Personal retirement finance
>> Home healthcare
>> Digital Marketing - branding and conversion
>> Narrative fiction and non-fiction
Chip loves to write, enjoys marketing (especially conversion psychology theory and branded content), and is an avid lover of movies and TV.
He's written an MG novel and three picture books -- which he also illustrated -- as well as ghostwriting several novels for an overseas publishing house.
For a number of years, Chip worked in the indie film business as a production designer, art director, props builder, and writer. He's written multiple screenplays, two of which have been optioned and one of which has sold. He's also worked as a story consultant to other screenwriters, and his articles on storytelling, dialog, and character motivation have been cited by numerous industry publications.
He's also an animal lover, who's rescued several cats and now is best friends with a 12-pound Pomeranian mix who has her own Instagram and is the narrator of an upcoming memoir.
At UCSC Chip double-majored in studio art and creative writing. He also took a number of unrelated classes, mostly in women's studies.
He was fortunate to work with a number of truly remarkable professors, including Pulitzer nominated and National Book Award recipient Lucille Clifton.
Chip has been a digital marketing professional since the early 2000s. As employee #3 at Market Motive, a digital marketing training provider, he worked with thought leaders to develop and deliver courses leading to industry certification. When the company was sold to Simplilearn, he was named US Brand Manager responsible for shepherding brand and messaging through the merger.
As a freelance writer, Chip maintains his passion for marketing, with an emphasis on branding and conversion psychology. He firmly believes in the importance of developing customer-first initiatives that speak to prospects' personal aspirations and desire to improve their lives.
Chip has written and edited hundreds of training scenarios for:
>> Digital Marketing
>> Home Health Care
>> Retirement Finance
He reviews, edits, organizes, and simplifies SME content to craft accessible and engaging narration and scenario scripts while maintaining educational value.
His goal is to keep learners engaged in the material, improving knowledge retention and training completion rates for a healthier ROTI.
Chip has delivered over a hundred training videos, how-to guides, articles, and pages of site content aimed at both retirees/investors and financial advisers.
These assets have helped simplify financial topics for clients, helping them be more confident and prepared for important discussions. Likewise, they've helped advisers learn to effectively define client goals and allay their fears, so they can focus on achieving their goals.
CareAcademy is an online training provider focused on in-home healthcare skills and certifications. Chip worked with them in their early startup phase to write over 100 training scenarios for narrators and actors to define and demonstrate best practices.
Consequently, he's familiar with not only the terminology but many of the best practices in caring for the elderly and infirmed in a home environment.
Chip has worked in the entertainment industry as a screenwriter, story consultant, and indie filmmaker.
He's also been contracted to write a number of fiction novels for international publishers, mostly in the YA sci-fi and fantasy genres.
His insights on the value of plot-driven story structure, naturalistic dialog, and character motivation have been published or cited by more than a dozen respected industry publications.
Chip has worked in the entertainment industry as a screenwriter, story consultant, and indie filmmaker. His insights on the value of plot-driven story structure, naturalistic dialog, and character motivation have been published or cited by more than a dozen respected industry publications.
He brings that sensibility to his business-related screenwriting as well, creating narration and scenario scripts that are rooted in compelling storytelling for his distance learning clients. When learners are engaged, they do a better job of retaining their lessons, and completion rates go up. That means a measurable improvement in ROTI.
>> Digital Marketing - branding and conversion
>> Home Health Care
>> Personal retirement finance
>> Narrative fiction and non-fiction
Over his career Chip has written dozens of articles, in the form of both blog posts and published articles for industry publications. Many of his articles for Simplilearn's "Career Edge" are still available on Medium.
>> Digital Marketing - branding and conversion
>> Home Healthcare
>> Personal retirement finance
>> Narrative fiction and non-fiction
In college, Chip majored in creative writing. He's written four novels, several feature screenplays, and is credited as a story consultant on numerous others.
As a ghostwriter, he's written three business books to date, the latest being "Free Is Bad," a history of the web and the various business models used to monetize it. The book has been called "The best history of the web that I've read, "One of the best tech books I've read in years," and "An important work. A must-read."
>> Digital Marketing - branding and conversion
>> Home Healthcare
>> Personal retirement finance
>> Narrative fiction and non-fiction