Lisa specializes in social issues, such as drug addiction and human trafficking.
She also specializes in solo sports, music, and various types of art (from drawing and painting, to clay sculpting and knitting).
On the days when Lisa isn't writing, she enjoys reading and making art. Drawing, painting, sculpting, making miniatures -- if it involves fine motor skills, Lisa is bound to at least try it out in her spare time.
She also enjoys researching for the book on which she is currently working. This means reading on the topic at hand, watching documentaries, or interviewing the individuals presented in the book.
Lisa attended Tulsa Community College for two years, and graduated with an Associate Degree in Psychology.
During those two years, she was awarded the Dean's and the President's Honor Roll, and became a member of The National Society for Leadership and Success.
Lisa interned with Persona, a mobile app designed to assist business owners in promoting and improving their businesses through technology.
Last year, Lisa became a writing intern for Persona, a mobile app created for entrepreneurs. Over the course of several months, she wrote extensively on how proper and affordable mobile apps can significantly improve the lives of business owners. She also compared various apps, highlighting their upsides and downsides, from multiple angles (e.g., price, reviews).
Lisa worked in the Non-Profit sector for six years. During that time, she understood how important it is to explain social issues in simple, direct terms that any reader, whether familiar with social work or not, will understand.
Lisa has written blog posts for Persona mobile app. She specializes in makeup, solo sports, and social issues.
Lisa has also written articles for her blog.