Jessica specializes in 2 main categories: legal writing and blog writing. With her legal background, she can write numerous types of legal documents such as complaints, answers, briefs, memos, and demand letters. She can also write light, fun, and easy-to-read blog and social media posts. Jessica is an adaptable writer and can write in any tone.
Jessica has many interests. She loves philosophy and majored in it during college. Her favorite branch is existentialism. She also has a fascination with law and went to law school. She is a social media influencer for books so naturally, she's a voracious reader. On the more fun side, Jessica loves learning about astrology and tarot cards.
Jessica has written numerous blog posts and social media posts about books. These book reviews for Advance Reader Copies (ARCs), new releases, as well as previously published books.
Jessica went to law school and has extensive knowledge and experience in formal legal writing.
Jessica has written social media and blog posts about lifestyle brands such as Birthdate Co., Slumber Cloud, and Moon Pod.
Jessica has extensive experience in blog post writing. She has been running her own blog, Odd and Bookish, since January 2018 and has published content monthly.
Jessica has written blog and social media posts that have been sponsored by companies such as Birthdate Co. and Slumber Cloud.