Niches Keith VanderBrooke has extensive education and experience include:
Psychology, fitness and lifestyle, yoga, men's issues, pets and animals, humane wildlife services, GIS software, geography, environmental issues, environmental/financial compliance, solar/renewable energy, firearms, outdoor adventure, dating and relationships. He is also exploring the world of fiction and publishing.
Keith VanderBrooke is interested in fitness, wellness, psychology, environmental topics, animal care, and green technology. He is also a fan of history and is in the process of publishing his first full-length historical fiction novel. He plays and records music in his free time.
Studied psychology, sociology, and social psychology at an undergraduate level. Focused on violence and media exposure, relationships, and social deviance.
Studied Geographic Information Systems and their uses for studying wildlife. Published a thesis project, presented at several conferences, and consulted with students about assignments. Graded student papers and proofread essays.
Keith VanderBrooke is an Eagle Scout and former Army Reservist with a master's in geography. In graduate school, he published research on urban coyotes and taught environmental science to undergrads. He went on to teach at a wolf sanctuary in New Jersey. He now volunteers his time performing geographic analyses for public parks.
Keith VanderBrooke is an environmental enthusiast who is excited about the coming revolution in green technology. He has written many blogs and articles on solar power, biodegradable plastics, and other futurist topics.
Keith is an animal expert with several years of experience working in wolf, wolfdog, and domestic dog sanctuaries. He wrote a graduate thesis about using geographic technology to track urban carnivores, and he is the proud dog dad of a rescue pup.
Keith VanderBrooke studied psychology and sociology during his undergraduate years. Afterward, he continued to learn on his own, becoming deeply interested in mindfulness meditation, stoicism, Eastern philosophy, yoga, and martial arts. When he experienced a devastating head injury in his late twenties, he used his knowledge of mindfulness and neuropsychology to readapt to professional life over several difficult years. He has recently written numerous blogs and articles for fitness coaches, addiction rehabilitation services, and wellness news sites.
Keith VanderBrooke is a guitarist, bassist, and hobby music producer. Since discovering his guitar idols, Jimmy Page and Tony Iommi, he has been searching obsessively for the perfect guitar tone. He is very comfortable writing about speakers, guitars, guitar gear, bass guitars, keyboards, synthesizers, amplifiers, and drum kits.
Keith VanderBrooke has written informational articles for a large number of clients, spanning a range of topics and fields. He uses his years of experience in academic as well as military environments to research subjects thoroughly and efficiently. He likes to write about topics that have a positive impact on the world.
Keith VanderBrooke wet his feet in the contract writing world by creating search-engine-optimized blogs for various clients and intermediaries. He draws from personal experiences in multiple fields. He likes to work within experienced niches while expanding his comfort zone at the same time.