Brian's writing specialties are all business content from marketing to strategy and accounting but he also writes prolific amounts of content focused on lifestyle, politics, and tech.
Brian's interests vary from business development to a passion for history. He is currently contemplating a Ph.D. in another passion, economics.
Internet-based marketing and trends are his go-to for business consulting and he frequently explains that Internet marketing strategies need a tremendous overhaul after watching how engagement has changed over the last five years.
Additionally, he loves sports, psychology, investing, the arts, and travel.
And we shouldn't neglect Ben and Jerry's ice cream.
German and history minors
When it comes to all things banking and finance, Brian has written for CFOs, accounting firms, large Internet-based personal finance brands, and even overseas companies. His MBA and economics, banking, and business backgrounds mean that he isn't just a savvy finance writer but also an original content creator that can take content needs to the next level.
Currently, Brian writes for one national personal finance brand and has written for many companies of all sizes. A finance nerd at heart, he knows how money works and how to communicate as much.
A finance and accounting background makes tax an easy topic on which to write about with proficiency and authority.
Entire attorneys' websites have been written by Brian for firms of all sizes and law disciplines. Criminal, personal injury, WTC Victims Fund, business law, medical malpractice, and IP law have all been topics of which he has written about extensively.
Brian is sought after for e-commerce issues, including marketing, operations, and warehousing. He has written for companies that are SaaS providers, blog content, and agencies.
Having an MBA and being a consultant, he has written business articles for my own blogs, business plans, papers, etc. He knows business.
Regardless of the tech, Brian has a tremendous background and understanding that can be applied to produce expert content. He has written copy for SaaS companies., article series on new energy tech, and even the funding processes for tech companies moving from private to public funding.
Multiple SaaS companies rely on Brian to write everything from their entire web pages to blog content. He writes to their prospective clients and understands the benefits their clients will see from their software in terms of efficiencies, costs savings, and data collection.
The MBA and finance background have facilitated a multitude of articles on money and investing focused on the retail investor. Most really don't understand how money actually works, so he really works to explain it at a basic level. Also, micro and macroeconomics are things he conveys very well.
Brian has been utilized by numerous companies that need expert writing on the subjects of NFTs, blockchain, and crypto. He has even written ICO plans and help designed the functionality of the tokens.
If it includes finance, Brian has probably written about it. FinTech is changing the world and Brian has written for some of the biggest names out there.
Brian is a music fan that has covered music festivals and reviewed bands just to satisfy his love of music.
As a political science major, he has written on politics for years and published in editorial capacities. As a member for the Committee for Better Banks, he was a featured, first page editorial in the Idaho Statesman.
Brian has previously worked in renewable energy has written about renewables, battery technology, and even the economics of oil.
Brian has written extensively on real estate topics for realtors, investors, and property management companies.
As an MBA steeped in marketing, Brian not only writes copy but has also written on marketing trends.
A political science/international relations major, history nerd, macroeconomics geek, and policy wonk, Brian has a passion for writing on topics involving government. His writing is factual, researched, and founded on a lifelong passion for being educated on all forms and functions of government.
A prior owner of a construction company that employed 20, Brian is very familiar with the intricacies of the industry.
An MBA with a strong affinity for operations, Brian is a natural choice to write about manufacturing processes.
Brian is avidly eco-conscious and has worked extensively with renewables and sustainability.
For years, Brian has written on topics of relationships and personal growth/happiness.
When sportsbooks and gaming sites need content, Brian can deliver. Having written everything from NCAA football betting to poker, he is familiar with betting and can make an article engaging and exciting.
A gamer that is too busy writing to game is how you would describe Brian.
Brian has written for numerous companies in regards to the benefits of CBD.
Car enthusiast is an understatement when describing Brian.
Hiking, camping, and outdoor sports. Brian is a hiking and camping enthusiast and can write about the subjects with authority.
Brian can take any topic and provide relevant and expertly researched content.
As a marketing consultant, Brian bases all advertisement wording on a new consumer approach and 3 second or less judgement time.
He has written press releases for numerous companies and executives that are clients of WA.
Part of Brian's consulting work is in webpage design / Internet presence. He focuses on elegance and simplicity. His main goal is getting conversion from browsing to a potential customer in under 3 seconds.