RVs, travel, lifestyle, social media marketing, food, movies.
Animals (she feeds 10 cats a day, only 6 of which are hers), movies, gaming, and travel.
Meranda earned her degree in Foreign Affairs. She was a member of Conversation Starters to help ESL students get comfortable with English.
Several articles have been written specifically on various topics related to gardening.
Meranda is passionate about visual storytelling, both recent and from the Golden Age of Hollywood. From watching all of the top 100 from AFI's movie list to staying abreast at the latest shows, she has a lot of positive viewpoints to share.
Meranda has been gaming for most of her life and writing about it for the past few years. She specializes in games such as The Sims, Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, and Fable.
Meranda is deeply committed to making a positive impact on the environment. She has started a recycling program at every place she's worked and has plenty of tips to share.
Meranda has been writing about travel for over a decade and has used that time to travel abroad. Not only does she write extensively about destinations but all that encompasses the travel process, such as things to do, how to pack for long hauls, and different types of lodging.
Meranda works remotely in addition to taking care of a plethora of animals, volunteering at the local hospital's cancer ward, and traveling monthly. There's a whole lot of daily experience about a number of lifestyle elements that she is able to share with an audience.
From working on an assigned topic to completing her own original article, Meranda has been writing blogs on a wide variety of subjects for a decade.