Marna has recently qualified as a copywriter. She is also a general writer, who has the ability to write for any genre, as her research is thorough and her writing original. As a specialist in marketing, Marna has vast experience in creating content for landing pages, websites, blogs and articles. Marna has a fair amount of experience writing about health and wellness and it's where she would like to focus her skill and talent from now on.
Marna is a keen copywriter and content creator. She loves words and writing. Marna has a love of reading and devours everything that captivates her wide range of interests. Marna is a highly creative person, with degrees in Art and Art History. Marna is an eager ceramicist who loves learning and honing this skill. She is an avid animal lover and adores her Labradoodle, Chai. Marna loves going on long walks, being outdoors and enjoying the finer things in life. She loves her fulfilling life in Cape Town and would love to travel and see more of the world!
Marna completed her undergraduate Arts degree during the expected three years and then continued to study for an additional year, in order to obtain her Honors degree in Art History.
Marna completed her qualification in Education in the prescribed time and obtained her postgraduate Diploma.
Marna has worked in the Education sector and is a qualified teacher. She has over fifteen years of experience in creating promotional material for educators and management. She created presentations, newsletters and online guides for the school where she was the Marketing and Liaison Manager.
Marna has worked in various marketing sectors over the years. She was head of the marketing and branding department in a prominent girls' school and more recently moved into social media management. She specialises in creating content for landing pages and social media platforms. Marna has almost completed a copywriting qualification, as it's a skill that is relevant to her marketing work.
Marna was the Marketing Manager at a large girls' school and was solely responsible for creating weekly content for the newsletters that went out to Governing Body Members, Staff, Parents, Learners and Alumni. Creating this content involved research, planning and accurate execution. The school's proud heritage and tradition dictated certain criteria, but Marna was responsible for the contents and copy. It was a position that she loved and really honed her newsletter content writing skills.
Marna has a love for presentations and has created many during the course of her career. It's a style that comes naturally to her and she enjoys the challenge of variety. She has always aimed at creating the copy not only around the various topics, but also to match the individual designs of the presentations. Marna would love to be involved in this writing style again in the future.
Marna has created many email campaigns for clients, working on either GetResponce or SendInBlue. These platforms are user-friendly, but also pretty specific with regard to the number of words and phrases that are allowed. As we once again targetted prospective clients and chased conversions, the copy in these emails had to be catchy and work towards this goal. Marna excelled in writing simplistic, compelling and clear copy and really enjoyed the process.
As Head of Marketing for World Web Channels, Marna was responsible for all aspects of Digital Marketing, including ad campaigns creation across all of the company's social medial channels. Marna had to create weekly, sometimes daily, posts for her client who was in the entertainment world. The copy had to match the creatives and the aim was always to entice the audience to sign up and buy! Facebook has very specific rules and regulations, which Marna very quickly learned and managed to write around. It was a challenge, but very rewarding creating these posts.
Marna wrote weekly Press Releases for the girls' school where she was employed as the Head of Marketing. These press releases were aimed at developing and enhancing the school's branding while showcasing the various activities that were available, as well as the accomplishments of the girls. Marna worked with a few local publications and is familiar with the writing style required for press releases and short advertisements.
Marna has broad experience creating and writing Landing Page copy. She worked extensively on Wizzi and Umbraco, writing about various topics and an array of products. Landing Page copy is quite specialized and differs from any other copy, as it aims to captivate and entice the audience. Marna thoroughly enjoys this type of writing, as she has a background in Marketing, which comes in very handy.
Marna was responsible for the websites of a previous client and was not only involved in the content creation side of things but also the actual building of the website. She learned what type of copy was expected for a website and created captivating, exciting copy, which ensured that their audience grew to quite a nice amount of followers.