Aubrey C. specializes in ideas and creative endeavors. She has a "can do" attitude and an eagerness to learn that leads her a number of different directions.
Aubrey C. spends her time running and volunteering at marathons and other events for runners. She enjoys discovering the hidden gems Atlanta has to offer and talking to strangers--she has discovered gems that way, too.
At Mercer, Aubrey completed an educational portfolio and a research project. The research explored teachers' perceptions of Georgia's statewide writing assessment: its use, reputation, and reliability.
Aubrey C. has written press releases and web content for several Atlanta Metro Area businesses. Though not an expert in technical and industrial fields, Aubrey works to create writings consistent with a company's mission. Aubrey is an experienced educator and is well-versed in writing plans, proposals, and letters for various purposes.
This content was part of a collection of pages for a auto repair shop site refresh. The pages organically target keywords.