Christopher L
Writer #59166
Joined 8/9/2021
5 Star Rating
1,410 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Fiction, essays, journalism, plays, poetry, music, and work for television have appeared in over 100 magazines and venues around the world, including The North American Review, Poets & Writers, The Rumpus, Parents, Islands, Verse Daily, Red Herring, The American Spectator, Southwest Review, Slice, The Literary Review, Barrelhouse, The Sun, Rattle, West Branch, SmokeLong Quarterly, Southeast Review, and NPR's Morning Edition and Ireland’s Radio One, among many others. He has eight books published, including Ordinary Gods (Salmon, Ireland, 2017) which details 25 years of travel throughout Latin America, and 25 Trumbulls Road, a collection of speculative fiction, which won the 2018 Black River Chapbook Competition (Black Lawrence Press) and was released in early 2020. Music for Ghosts, (New York Quarterly Books--Poetry) and Without Saints (Black Lawrence Press--Memoir) are both coming out in 2022. His first post-punk/spoken word album, Late Lights, was released by Burst & Bloom Records in 2018. His plays have been performed in New York City, California, and throughout New England. He recently sold a television series treatment to NorthSouth Productions in New York City. I have been awarded over two dozen literary prizes including the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Award, state grants in poetry from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts, and writing residencies from Fundacion Valparaiso in Spain and PAMAR in Mexico. He served as Nonfiction Editor for the award-winning international literary magazine Slice in Brooklyn and the Latin American correspondent for Red Herring magazine in San Francisco. He has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net many times.
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Goddard College


60 Projects Completed

Has written for magazines big and small about world travel.


50 Projects Completed

Have written for magazines big and small about food and wine.


40 Projects Completed

Red Herring magazine


25 Projects Completed

He has taught at the college level and has headed up professional development programs for both private and public schools, including outreach at Cornell.


20 Projects Completed

Was an editor for two international literary magazines.


15 Projects Completed

Magazines big and small.


10 Projects Completed

Parents magazine.


10 Projects Completed

Red Herring magazine.

Facebook Post

1,000 Projects Completed

He has crafted hundreds of personal and professional posts.


50 Projects Completed

He has written over 100 articles for magazines around the world, including major publishers like Conde Nast.


50 Projects Completed

He has taught Speech at the college level and has been trusted to help craft/revise many critical speeches for professional people.

Twitter Post

50 Projects Completed

He has crafted many personal and professional posts.


20 Projects Completed

He has written many award winning plays that have been produced in New York City and elsewhere.


10 Projects Completed

Has written almost a dozen books of poetry, travel writing, essays, and fiction.

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