All Things Writing:
Website & Landing Page Copy
Blog Articles & Product Descriptions
Newsletters & Nurture Campaigns
Press Releases & Social Posts
Technical Articles & Documents
All Things Marketing
Content & Affiliate Marketing
Content Strategy & Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Brand Strategy & Market Research
UX & UI Design & Testing
Social Media & Email Marketing
All Things Creative
Painting Pictures With Words
Brochures, Flyers, Menus & Other Print Materials
Brand Voice & Newsletter Design
Website & Landing Page Design
Photography, Photo Editing & Graphic Design
Animals and Pets
Food and Cooking
Diet and Fitness
Health and Wellness
Healthy Lifestyle
Natural Healing
Consumer Products and Services
Jessica has been writing in the food space since 2017, when she wrote one of her first lifestyle article for The Penny Hoarder website which listed her top 5 healthy sandwich recipes to make on a budget. Since then, she has written and/or edited over 200 blog posts for a startup kitchen knife company.
Jessica is also currently working on building her own lifestyle blog, which will include a category on her adventures in the kitchen, from her experiences with meal kits, box subscriptions and grocery delivery services, to her meal planning tips and recipe ideas, to highlighting kitchen gadgets worth buying.
Jessica loves writing about travel as much as she loves traveling. She discovered this love in 2008, when she began freelance ghostwriting for a travel website. Since the project did not involve any actual travel. Jessica utilized her strong researching and creative writing skills to create content that would transport her readers to various destinations around the globe.
Jessica has written several blog posts and articles in the lifestyle category, from pieces on budgeting tips for a personal finance website, to how-to articles, product guides and recipes for a kitchen knife brand, to product reviews for an adult website (condoms, bidets, sex toys, etc).
Jessica is also currently working on building her own lifestyle blog to share her adventures in cooking, shopping, pet parenting, and natural healing.
Jessica worked as an editorial assistant for The Penny Hoarder, a well-known personal finance website, where she wrote 30 articles relating to personal finance. One of her SEO pieces on how to save money on utilities landed the top 3 search result positions within just a couple of weeks of publishing.
Within the last couple of years, Jessica has ventured into writing product descriptions, educational blog posts and email copy for two different CBD brands. She's also put in a ton of research, both for work and during her own time, to help her fully understand and communicate the potential benefits of cannabis and its effects on the human endocannabinoid system.
Within the last couple of years, Jessica has ventured into writing product descriptions, educational blog posts and email copy for two different CBD brands. She's also put in a ton of research, both for work and during her own time, to help her fully understand and communicate the potential benefits of CBD products.
Jessica is a firm believer in natural remedies and plant-based medicine and avoids using prescription drugs when she can. She's also gained some valuable knowledge during her time as a writer for both the nicotine vaping and cannabis industries, including the truth about tobacco and nicotine, cannabis and its cannabinoids, and the government’s war against them.
Jessica also openly shares her struggles with mental health and physical well-being and is constantly researching and testing the latest in natural healing, from exercise and diet programs to essential oils and plant-based medicine.
Jessica has been caring for pets her whole life and often spends her time researching the best way to care for them and provide the greatest quality of life possible. In 2020, she had the opportunity to work as a digital content writer for a national network of pet hospitals, where she interviewed veterinarians to create educational and informative articles and vet profiles.
Jessica is also currently building her own blog, which will include a category on pet parenting so she can share everything she's learned as a lifelong pet parent.
Jessica began her professional blogging career in 2015 while working as a QA tester for an ecommerce brand. While the role was meant to be temporary until the company hired a replacement, Jessica did such a great job both writing for and managing the blog, she ended up claiming the role of digital content strategist for the company’s 3 brands she still manages to this day.
In addition to writing, Jessica also managed an outside team of freelancers to help create content, which including seeking talent, negotiating pay rate, editing submitted work and providing feedback. She also performs a blog audit every year, in which she updates or rewrites existing content to be republished.
Jessica has been writing email copy since 2010, from weekly newsletters for a comedy club to monthly newsletters for ecommerce brands to sales marketing and transactional emails. When it comes to newsletter content, she tackles every part of the process, from ideation and planning to outlining and writing copy to conceptualizing images and layout design.
Jessica has been writing product descriptions since 2010 and across several different industries, from room and service descriptions for hotels to restaurant menus and event details for a comedy club to CBD products, vaping products, and kitchen knives for ecommerce brands.
Jessica has written hundreds of articles during the course of her professional career, from ghostwriting articles for a travel website, to creating informative and entertaining blog posts and how-to guides for ecommerce brands, to listicles and fun news features for a personal finance website, to medical articles and professional profiles for a pet hospital.
As a copywriter for the ecommerce world, part of Jessica’s process is getting to know the products and/or services offered...This allows her to craft helpful answers to the audience’s frequently asked questions, including developing questions and answers a brand may anticipate from its target audience.
From homepages to about us pages to everything in between, Jessica has been writing web copy since 2015 for a variety of brands, from CBD and nicotine products to kitchen knives. Along with content and copywriting for the web, she also has experience in html coding and UX/UI design.
Jessica’s experience in writing biographies and profiles spans several decades, beginning with a biography she wrote about her mother for a school project in grade school, to interviewing business owners and creating business advertorials for a print newspaper in the early 2000s, to her most recent venture in creating long-form profiles for veterinarians working in a national network of pet hospitals.
Jessica’s writing process involves scheduling and interviewing, researching keywords and questions readers may use to find the biographies on the Internet, and working closely with the interview subject during the entire writing process to ensure her words are painting the right picture.