Legal writing
Legal blogs
Legal landing pages and web pages
General blogs, landing pages, web pages
Engineering and technology
Computers and cybersecurity
Studied dynamics, thermodynamics, power generation, manufacturing, robotics
Patents, trademarks, copyrights, litigation, contracts, torts (personal injury), criminal, tax, business law
20 yeara as a practicing lawyer,
Experience with patents, trademarks, copyrights, litigation, contracts
Knowledge of personal injury, criminal defense, tax, workers compensation, wills and trusts, VA disability, SS disability
Skilled at legal research
Undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering
Knowledge of robotics, software, HVAC, machinery, power generation
Familiar with cyber security topics such as viruses, data breaches, and hacking
Knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrencies
Written over 500 blog posts for law firms technology companies, doctors, and dentists
Written articles in legal, technology, and medical, and dental fields