Geek culture, science fiction/fantasy, travel, motorcycles, politics, humor, literature, tv and movies, martial arts.
Ethan is a sci-fi geek and a travel fanatic, a foodie and (some might say) a bit of a hipster. He loves Trek and Wars equally, and he takes no position on whether David Lynch's Dune is better than the Sci-Fi Channel's miniseries (although the new Denis Villeneuve movie is clearly superior to both). He loves taking road trips in fast cars, and he rides a Vespa GTS 300 and a Yamaha MT03 motorcycle. Ethan has way too many dogs, and he can get lost in a YouTube rabbit hole for hours just looking at cute animal videos.
He just completed a project writing SEO articles for motorsports dealers including motorcycles, ATVs, and the like.
He's been writing reviews of TV shows for cultofwhatever.com
He's written many different kinds of articles, most recently for Leadventure.
He's written for his own blog for years, and is now writing reviews for cultofwhatever.com.