Specialties in Academia - English, literature, lifestyle, arts, theatre, festivals, restaurants, service industry, film, politics, and economics
Interests include genre literature, such as detective noir, fantasy and science fiction, academic issues, education, film and theatre
Specialized training in Literary Criticism, post-colonialism, feminist theory, queer theory, and Critical Race theory, as well as 20th and 21st century genre literature, 20th century American literature, and African-American literature
Three semesters at the Community College level pursuing an A.A. in History
Seven semesters at the University level pursuing a B.A. in English
Five semesters at the Graduate level pursuing a M.A. in Literature, to include teaching colloquiums
Seventeen years of experience in the restaurant industry, to include both front and back of house and management
Fine dining, café style, casual dining, college bars, and sports bars
Numerous undergraduate classes regarding political and governmental structures and movements, both past and present, with a two-year mentorship under an established political historian of the U.S. South
Numerous graduate-level classes regarding the centering of literature within the historical, political, and socio-economical setting
Numerous articles written for potential publication, across a wide variety of subjects. Most have been written regarding academia, politics, film and theatre review, art gallery reviews, and service industry insights.