Has specialized in writing online content of all types but has worked as a freelance reporter for a traditional print newspaper, and also has considerable experience writing press releases online and for electronic distribution.
Bob is a lifelong collector of books and an avid reader with a wide variety of literary interests, but especially enjoys short horror fiction, action-adventure and history. He also enjoys hunting and fishing, finding and identifying wildflowers, edible wild plants and mushrooms. Bob is a commercial pilot and is interested in general aviation and aviation history. He also enjoys classical and jazz music and is a jazz trumpet player and collector.
Bob attended Vincennes University where he received a AA degree in Aviation Flight Technology, earning a commercial pilot's license with an instrument rating and completed training as a certified flight instructor.
Bob isn't a big spectator sports fan but he has had occasion to write about sports and is happy to do so again.
Bob worked as a Social Media Networker for Slingshot SEO in Indianapolis writing backlink and article content for a wide variety of clients and also has experience with keyword oriented content writing for several other companies such as BestCostumes.com and Proficient Pen and, of course, WriterAccess.
Bob is a former radio personality for WPZZ in Indianapolis, and was the co-host of one of the longest running public radio jazz programs in the Midwest.
He began his freelance writing with book reviews and literary articles for ForeWordReviews.com and the IndianapolisEye.com.
He also operated a small public relations service writing press releases and arranging radio interviews for his clients.
Well we all do a lot of home living don't we? Bob has written many articles on just about every aspect of better home living.
Bob has had the opportunity to write many articles and blog posts about real estate topics, including property descriptions, market analysis and tips for selling and buying.
Bob was the creator and host of an outdoors radio program, discussing every type of outdoor sport and activity, including hunting, fishing, hiking, finding wild edible plants, shooting, boating, and more.
He's also a commercial pilot with a degree in Aviation Flight Technology and a lifelong aviation enthusiast.
As a younger man, through his teens, twenties and part of his thirties, Bob worked various construction related jobs to make a living, from carpenter to block layer to dump truck driver, and more. He brings that experience to his construction related content writing.
Health articles are in high demand and Bob has written his share on a wide variety of health related topics.
Marketing is the name of the game and web content creators get to write about it a lot, and learn a lot about it along the way.
Bob has written extensively on legal issues for a number of attorneys. From bios to legal advice to outlines of current laws, he's ready to provide great content.
Bob has written about many destinations and lots of articles about how to travel better and cheaper, and general travel tips for all ages.
Bob has the occasional opportunity to write auto related content and has years of hard won experience as a shade tree mechanic.
Pets are a favorite subject for Bob as he's an animal lover and likes to write about them. He's written about dog training for both obedience and hunting, as well as general pet care from birds and fishes to snakes and lizards.
Bob has written extensively on education related subjects. He created and maintained a website about Leonardo da Vinci for Results.About.com. He also successfully home schooled an adopted child and after that experience is a big supporter of home schooling.
High tech articles are among the most asked for content and Bob has had plenty of experience providing it. He's proficient at taking highly technical subjects and explaining them in layman's terms.
Bob has been a political animal for most of his adult life, and as a talk show host he had to delve deeply into the darkest reaches of political controversy. He's had occasion to write about political and social issues too.
Family related content is very much in demand and Bob has written extensively about issues affecting the family. And as a family guy himself, he's had plenty of real-world experience.
Bob loves food and every now and then he gets to research and write about it, both from a cooking and eating perspective.
Bob wouldn't say that fashion is a strong point but he has on occasion turned out some well received fashion content.
Bob has had occasion to write extensively on health and fitness issues including workout strategies, diet programs and holistic health. He's also written about his own experiences while recovering from a major illness.
Hobbies are fun and Bob has lots of them, too many probably. He also likes to write about them and has done so extensively.
Hey, Bob's a funny guy. Everybody says so but he's never sure if they mean haha funny or, well, you know. But he can get a laugh when he wants one.
Bob has an interest in design and decorating and has written many articles on interior and floral design. He's written about how to decorate on a budget and the best designs for weddings, among other things.
Bob has written on many occasions about government and political issues. He once wrote a speech about the proposed U.N. Cybercrime Tribunal which was presented before the U.N. in Geneva.
Shopping articles come up a lot around the time of the big yearly sales and every writer gets to tackle some. Bob is no exception.
Green living is an important topic to many people these day and there's a lot of demand for information on better ways to do it. It's an ever-changing subject and interesting to write about.
Blog posts make up the bulk of Bob's writing experience. Ghostwriting for blogs is probably the best way to learn to be a versatile and eclectic writer because one is always researching and writing about different subjects. From technical to personal to creative content, Bob has blogged it all.
Bob wrote tons of product descriptions when he decided to get back into freelance writing, for everything from Halloween costumes to furniture to medical products. He still writes them quite frequently and enjoys it very much.
Bob loves writing Facebook posts. It's a chance to really flex the creative muscles and just let go. He understands the effectiveness of social media and how a social post should be written, short, sweet and to the point.
Bob has extensive experience writing press releases for a variety of clients and industries. He has owned and operated a small public relations business doing just this.
Bob is a former radio talk show host/news announcer/producer and has written more radio spots than he can remember. As well as having to rewrite the news copy every twenty minutes during the broadcast day.
Bob has had occasion from time to time to write marketing copy intended for e-mail distribution. This is a different kind of writing and takes a special approach, and he enjoys writing it when he can.
Most of Bob's writing is produced as online content these days, but he does have some experience in writing copy for direct mail marketing. Direct mail marketing copy has it's own unique style.
Bob has had the pleasure of writing content for traditional print brochures intended for distribution in direct mailing or at business conventions. His efforts, although not extensive, were well received, and effective.