Michelle is quite happy writing on any subject, but specializes in How To articles, Instructional or Informational pieces, Reviews of pages and products, Medical Interests.
Michelle's hobbies include reading, playing guitar, working on vehicles, pet training and singing. She has interests in public forums, government projects and public speaking.
Michelle acquired the Associates of Applied Science in Funeral Service in 2008. She was a member of the local funeral fraternity and kept a 3.5 GPA in order to stay a member. She passed the National Board Exam with a 94 in Arts and an 89 in Sciences. Studies included medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, embalming, funeral directing, practical use, history of religions, casketing, accounting, small business law, small business management and bookkeeping.
Michelle completed her Crime Scene Investigation certificate in 2009, and her Associates of Applied Science in Medical Billing and Coding in 2011. She excelled and kept above a 3.2 GPA throughout her education. She is qualified to sit for the State exam to become certified in Billing and Coding.
Michelle has experience as a non-denominational minister, and as such has had many people seek her help for relationship issues. From trust building to getting back the ex that got away, her articles give insight, advice and a different perspective on what people can do to improve their situation.
Michelle has completed many professional projects for the health care industry. This includes medication descriptions that include contraindications and side effects or uses and many types of medical conditions. Her wide medical background allows for a professional take and correct in depth information on subjects such as surgeries, medical devices, dental implants, prescriptions, drug abuse, billing, transcription and many other topics.
Michelle has had many pets from iguanas, fish, squirrels, skunks, dogs, cats and birds. Over the years, she learned to train dogs on a professional level and brings her medical knowledge and professional training skills to the table to help your readers understand their pet situation.
Michelle has valuable insight into the issues women face from health and beauty to personal well being and the day to day antics mothers deal with. She has written hundreds of pieces that express how to cope with many issues and tips or ideas on how to improve on your situation.
Michelle enjoys singing, playing guitar and reading among many other hobbies. She offers instructional articles, informational pieces and pages of details on hobbies such as those listed above as well as pet grooming and health, crocheting, sewing, computer and console games, home improvements, automobile repair, painting, eBay, beauty makeovers and numerous other topics.
Michelle has completed many professional projects for the health care industry. This includes information on dieting, specific diets for numerous health conditions, drug abuse, healthy exercise, heart conditions, when to seek help for a condition and many other exciting topics. She has years of medical background to help guide readers through a piece by using lay terms that are easy to understand, while still conveying professionally correct information.
Michelle has previoulsy wrote informational and instructional pieces on the guitar, clarinet, singing alone and with another person or group, reading music, writing music and numerous articles or reviews of bands and concerts all over the nation. She has been a professional singer for more than 10 years and brings her knowledge and expertise to your readers in an easy to understand layout.
Michelle has completed numerous projects on the installation, use and removal of software for computers, gaming consoles, hand held devices and cell phones. She offers detailed descriptions of what a software is to be used for and how it can be of value in certain situations.
Michelle enjoys gaming on the computer and the Xbox 360, and has written numerous walkthroughs for many different games. She has access to other consoles and has also written articles on how to download updates, modifications, how to use the online gaming community and other in depth informational and instructional pieces.
Michelle has written reviews of numerous electronics as well as instructions on their operation. She has written in depth information on 360 Mods, software installation and use as well as a few different takes on the iPod. Her expertise and details are an added value to those wanting to sell a product or offer instruction for use.
Michelle began writing as a means of paying for college, and found that she excelled at it. She has written articles as short as 300 words and as long as 2,500 words. Subjects have ranged from home remedies for simple issues like stains and medical conditions, to repairing the windshield wiper motor on a vehicle.