Abigail is a skilled journalist, reporter, on-air and on-stage host, and moderator with more than 20 years of experience.
Abigail is interested in health & wellness, yoga, running, beauty, travel, animals and pets, and adventure.
Graduated with honors from USC's Annenberg School for Communications.
Abigail is a 500-hour Registered Yoga teacher and she regularly covers health & wellness for a variety of outlets.
Abigail has covered the transportation space for everyone from Motor Trend and TechCrunch to the Verge and ArsTechnica.
Abigail was formerly a Senior Producer at CNN Business in New York. She ran a staff of 12 producers to create video content online and on-air for more than 10 years.
Abigail spent more than ten years as a Senior Producer at CNN where she created a multimedia platform for online and on-air video.
Abigail has covered Women's issues and diversity for a wide number of outlets.
Abigail is a 500-hour certified yoga teacher with a science-backed take on the practice. She brings the same sensibility to her journalism work.
Abigail was formerly the Senior Director of Video, Social Media and Photo for the car-selling platform, Edmunds. She's currently a member of the prestigious World Car Awards and evaluates automobiles for a wide variety of publications.
As a producer at CNN, Abigail covered (and continues to cover) politics and social justice.
Abigail is a wealth of personal finance work, and has edited and written content for LendingTree and CarFax.
Abigail is as 500-hour yoga alliance certified yoga teacher. She covers fitness and wellness.
Abigail is an avid beauty, health & wellness writer.
Abigail regularly covers AI and other topics for several publications.
Abigail has published lifestyle pieces for many well-known publications.
Abigail has covered a variety of topics in the Green space including clean beauty, clean tech, grid and infrastructure, and transportation for outlets across the globe.
Abigail regularly travels all over the world and writes about it for a variety of outlets.
Abigail has spent more than 20 years crafting articles a variety of outlets.
Abigail has crafted thousands of blog posts for companies, platforms and individuals.
Abigail has crafted sponsored content for a variety of publications.