Entertainment news, film/TV reviews, editorials, features, press releases, articles, research
The main interests that Matthew has as his kind of "go to" in his writing are film, TV, video games, entertainment, and technology. Pretty much any general cross-section between these fields, and specifically how the people within them operate, is of the most interest to him as a professional writer.
Matthew graduated in 2017 from New Mexico State University as a duel degree recipient, majoring in both Journalism and Digitial Filmmaking. Matthew was awarded the Honor Excels Scholarship, a full-tuition scholarship for all four years. Matthew was also honored as a Dean's List student twice.
Matthew is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree at the American Film Institute Conservatory, studying the field of Screenwriting. Matthew was also a recipient of the James Bridge Memorial Fellowship, a full-tuition scholarship for both years of the program. Matthew's projects include writing, developing, and working on three short films; writing a TV comedy spec script, a TV drama spec script, and a full-length feature film script.
Matthew wrote about entertainment for multiple websites before starting his own, completing news articles, reviews, lists, and anything else that could foster an interest in entertainment fans. Matthew worked both on assignments given to him by his editor, and work that he pitched himself for online publication.
Matthew wrote about video games and consumer technology for Lifewire for a few years, doing freelance articles for them in which he had to rank various pieces of technology. This was a research-intensive gig with a consumer focus, and included also using e-commerce links for both SEO and promoted content purposes.
Matthew has written thousands of blog posts for his own websites, in which he shared his own thoughts on the world of entertainment - and everything else - on the websites that he created and ran.
Matthew has written hundreds of articles on the internet for others, with a freelance career branching over a decade strong of writings.