Information, Technology, Electronics, Business
Technology, Electronics, Gaming, Music, Entertainment, Travel, Storytelling, Fantasy, Horror
Drew attended Oklahoma State University between the Fall of 2015 and Spring of 2019 and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Management Information Systems and a minor in Data Science.
Drew is a recent college graduate from Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Management Information Systems and a minor in Data Science. However, he has always had an interest in writing professionally in the field of entertainment and has written multiple short stories in his own time. He is seeking to expand his field of expertise into the entertainment, music, and gaming industry. Additionally, his ultimate goal is to become a published author.
Drew has been involved in the field of information technology since his graduation from Oklahoma State University; he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Management Information Systems and a minor in Data Science. During this time, he became well versed in the current state of the electronic world as well as what the future could hold.
Drew has been involved in the field of information technology since his graduation from Oklahoma State University; he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Management Information Systems and a minor in Data Science. During his studies, he became well acquainted with the natures of technology and their impact on the world of today in both a professional and nonprofessional setting.
Over the course of his college career, Drew was required to research, study, create, and presents several reports over multiple topics including data management, cybersecurity, web design, and much more in the fields of information and technology.
He has learned to be clear, concise, and how to represent data in a fashion that is easily digestible.
Drew has been writing short, fictional stories as a hobby for many years. As such, this has allowed him to experiment and train in many different tones, styles, and voices that have directly benefited his work and his growth as a storyteller. He has a desire to begin sharing his stories in a professional manner and welcomes any chance he may have to improve his craft. The particular genres he is interested in are fantasy and horror.