Brandon's career has gradually narrowed his subjects of focus to the international healthcare industry (esp. exports to South America), literary and culinary copy, and news pieces regarding Miami's local culture.
A devoted board game enthusiast, Brandon spends his days preventing the destruction of the universe to an unspeakable Arkham Horror. While off-duty as a hardboiled hero, he reads science fiction and works on his very-much-not-science-fiction fantasy novel. When his brain needs a pummeling, he starts up Smite, to enjoy a relaxing night of (often quite unsuccessful) gaming.
Students in this track acquire advanced skills in communication, argumentation and writing. Through learning outcomes and coursework drawing on research of Writing and Rhetoric Studies and the diverse resources of South Florida, students become sophisticated readers and writers who adapt to and shape the 21st century.
Our graduates are successful business professionals, scholars and teachers whose cutting-edge approaches to writing, rhetoric and communication make them attractive to employers. An Online BA in Writing and Rhetoric is also offered.
Brandon has significant experience writing copy and blog articles on behalf of car dealerships, showcasing the newest models on the market or the best practices to be undertaken by potential customers.
Brandon has experience in writing product descriptions for novels published in the science fiction and historical autobiography genres.
Brandon has some experience in writing blog articles for IT solutions providers, within the context of marketing the benefits of Managed Service Providers to business executives.
Experience involves articles written to describe lifestyle changes developing in the Greater Miami area.
Leveraging a background in academia, Brandon has written articles on educational developments, as well as client reports for postgraduate consultation at a university-based assistance program.
Limited experience in blogging regarding tabletop gaming and trends in the community.
Wide range of article-writing regarding the Greater Miami area, from political landscape to coverage of the changing workplace.
Most experience is focused upon descriptions for published novels, with a brief foray into healthcare equipment being exported to Ecuador for military and emergency medicine.