Stewart specializes in technical writing, especially when aimed at the novice user.
Stewart also has the heart of a Pastor, Bible teacher, and systematic theologian, so he loves writing about biblical themes and ideas.
Stewart has many and varied interests that range from quantum physics to Shakespearean sonnets.
Stewart has a curious and inquisitive mind, so he is constantly learning things about many fields.
While engaged in the pastorate full-time, Stewart undertook Master's-level studies through Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon.
Stewart took classes in systematic theology, Bible, and the History of Christianity.
Stewart received no grade below an A in any of his classes.
Stewart did not complete the degree because he left the pastorate in 1984.
Stewart entered Dallas Bible College as a transfer student, having already completed approximately 3 years at the Arizona Bible College.
In addition to biblical and theological studies, Stewart also studied liberal arts.
Stewart was graduated with a Th.B. in May of 1975, having completed 156 semester hours.
Stewart designed, created, and wrote copy for hundreds of e-mail flyers on behalf of Realtors publicizing their listings.
Stewart has researched and written extensively regarding issues that face our society and culture today. He also proposes biblical answers to them.
Stewart assisted a media company in Boston, Massachusetts, with RFPs (Requests for Proposals) from UMass.
Stewart worked for years with Arizona Interscholastic Association on design and maintenance of their database system for scheduling intermural games and officials for high schools in Arizona.
Stewart is a gifted speaker, a communicator of both facts and ideas that can challenge and motivate the hearer.