Health Insurance, Women's Health, Mental Health, Nutrition.
Some of Brandi's interests include teaching English online, reading, engaging in volunteer work and learning a foreign language.
Two year degree of Associates of Applied Science Degree in Medical Billing & Coding.
Brandi W. has written Chicago-based health blog posts on the Examiner website. Sample of an article about a company that provides upper limb amputees with technologically advanced prosthetic arms.
Brandi W. writes informative, encouraging health blog posts aim towards the female audience on blog, Good News for the Soul. New blog post about how women could find help for the depression illness.
Brandi W. writes about health issues concerning to young and middle-aged women on blog, Good News for the Soul.
A recent post about stress on Brandi's blog, Good News for the Soul. It discusses the importance of leaning on family and friends when dealing with this condition.
An article from a local Chicago newspaper, North Lawndale Community News, about a local hospital recruiting participants for a study.
A product description of 15 make-up brushes for a make-up company. This assignment was for a client of a small writing firm Brandi W. has worked for.