Sabrina's specialties include photography, small and quick research for general content, and environmental topics.
Sabrina is most interested in content writing or editing of any kind.
Sabrina completed a B.S. degree as an undergrad at Yale. Her studies focused broadly on environmental issues -- broadly meaning she approached the topic from many different angles, including geology, climate physics, oceanography, forest and mammal ecology, green policy, and international relations.
Her studies also included a focus on foreign languages. She is fluent in Spanish and Italian, and competent in Russian.
Throughout her time, she continued to prioritize writing and editing, ranging from her own creative work to copy for others and, of course, writing for coursework.
Sabrina's entire academic career centered around environmental issues. While she has knowledge of environmental history and policy, her focus in the latter years shifted towards the role of the individual and the ways in which the average person can maintain a greener lifestyle.
Sabrina's experience in publishing is two-fold. She has a knack for editing large pieces, anywhere from short stories to full-length novels. Her need for clean grammar allows her to work on a variety of genres to focus on the functionality and clarity of a piece. On the other hand, she spent some time working for a small newspaper with a vastly different timeline. Here, she worked as both a writer and an editor, producing weekly articles as well as editing much of the print issues.
Sabrina spent some time working for a small newspaper with a vastly different timeline. Here, she worked as both a writer and an editor, producing weekly articles as well as editing much of the print issues.
Working with artists, non-profits, and small businesses, Sabrina has drafted social media content across several platforms. Work here includes daily content, sale and special news announcements, and event promotion content. For the latter, she often also creates social media graphics for promotion.
Sabrina enjoys writing blog posts for a variety of clients. Her favorite blog pieces have been for small businesses and creatives, but her experience also covers work for non-profits, which has included blog posts covering very dense topics to be broken down for the public.
Sabrina has a variety of experience writing email copy and newsletters for different businesses, including non-profit action alerts and newsletters, business sale alerts, and artist content updates.
Sabrina regularly writes and edits bio blurbs and profile content for creatives. She enjoys helping artists define their brand professionally and meaningfully.
Sabrina has experience developing web page content, primarily for creatives. She enjoys maximizing brand content and helping artists define not just their brand, but how it is perceived by their target audiences.