Pamela P
Writer #31941
Joined 5/10/2019
5 Star Rating
100% Success
509 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Pam is an experienced writer and educator, having taught composition at the college level. She has written hundreds of articles, ebooks, white papers, blogs and website content. Although she has written articles on parenting and spirituality, her focus has been on accounting, finance, small business, information systems, cybersecurity, technology and software.

After receiving a Master's degree in English, Pam worked for a private research firm, ghostwriting articles for scientists and researchers. She also taught non-native English speakers in the evenings. Pam ultimately became a project manager for the research firm, managing over $30 million in research projects.

Although she enjoyed working in the research industry, Pam moved to the financial services sector. She worked as a technical writer and copywriter before moving to product marketing, where she managed information transfer to an international market. In that capacity, she worked with major financial institutions, especially in the area of electronic funds transfer.

Pam then decided to leave corporate life and began working for a small software development company as the VP of Sales and Marketing. The company developed software for the financial services industry, focusing on the processing of electronic transactions. After years with the company, she became the sole owner of the small business. Pam was a small business owner for ten years before selling the company.

She now spends her time as a freelance writer and enjoys expanding her knowledge through research. Her expertise is in explaining the value of technology to C-level executives who are focused on a return on investment (ROI).
Blog Post
White Paper


Pam's education and experience form a strong foundation for writing in subject areas such as small business, banking, software, education and life. Her background provides added depth to her blogs, white papers and digital content.


Pam believes everyone should be a life-long learner that is why she continues to take college-level courses in subjects such as religion, philosophy, English, history and any subject that catches her interest. Through her extensive travels, Pam has also developed an interest in different cultures.


Iowa State University

Pam's course of study included: relationship between science and literature; popular culture; and rhetorical studies.

Kent State University

Pam has been accepted into a doctoral program with an emphasis on rhetorical studies. Her primary interest is in the area of how writers write.


54 Projects Completed

Pam has written technical documents as well as more general articles on software. Technical documents include end-user manuals, software design documents, and programmer reference manuals. More recently, she has written articles on phygital marketing strategies for the fashion and food industries. These strategies combine the digital and physical aspects of a product or service into a seamless buying experience.


37 Projects Completed

Pam owned a software development company. The company designed, developed and supported software for the international financial markets. Applications were written in C and C++ with a user interface in Java. Given the stringent security associated with financial institutions, the company's solution had to be PCI-DSS compliant.

She has written on technology in the financial sector with a focus on cybersecurity and electronic transactions. Pam has also given presentations on technology migration to international audiences. Her strength is writing about technical concepts so that less technical individuals, including C-level management, can understand the implications for business.

She has also written about technology in the manufacturing, education and retail markets.


29 Projects Completed

Pam has written for businesses of all sizes. Her experience as a small business owner of an international software development company has given her a unique insight into the challenges, facing a small business.


25 Projects Completed

Logistics is more than moving an item out of inventory and delivering it to its destination. Pam has written for companies that specialize in temperature-controlled deliveries. She has explained how wireless locators can track containers across the oceans and reroute deliveries to ensure on-time delivery.

With the added confusion that supply chain disruption has caused, more people are looking at logistics for answers. Pam's expertise is in explaining the intricacies of the industry to non-technical audiences.


21 Projects Completed

Pam has written for financial institutions throughout the world. She has written promotional materials, training modules, and white papers. She has prepared presentations for international audiences at industry conferences. Her experience includes writing in business to consumer and business to business environments.

Blog Post

334 Projects Completed

Pam has written blog posts for numerous industries. She blogs on writing, education, and spirituality as well as banking, small business, and technology. She enjoys the challenge of writing meaningful posts in the 300- to 500-word range.

White Paper

9 Projects Completed

Pam has written white papers on all aspects of electronic payment systems. She has written papers on higher education and spirituality. Pam has also written papers on business communications and writing.

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