My area of expertise is math education and STEM/STEAM.
I’m an avid runner who’s completed several marathons and actively participates in an online community of fellow “mother runners.” I am also passionate about good nutrition, especially when it comes to eating real food that is free of chemical additives.
Kristen completed a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education in May of 1996. Her degree included an emphasis on special education.
Kristen has worked as a teacher and math facilitator for 16 years. For the past 6 years she has been an independent consultant providing professional development to math teachers. She has written one blog post for a company that supports math education.
Kristen has not done any writing for the food industry, but she has read many blog posts, articles, and books about food.
Kristen has not written anything for the fitness industry, but she has read a lot by them, especially in the area of running.
Kristen has written a blog post for a company that supports math education. The purpose of this post was to support teachers as they begin to implement the product, as it is a very different way of thinking about math education for many people.
I have not been paid to make any Facebook posts. However I am very familiar with Facebook as a user and would willing to use my experience to help others.
I have not been paid to make any Twitter posts. However I am very familiar with Twitter as a user and would willing to use my experience to help others.