Medicine, medical publishing, education
Medicine; medical editing, writing, and indexing; adult education and curriculum development
Susan graduated from Norwich University in Montpelier, Vermont, with a Master of Arts degree with an emphasis on adult education and curriculum development in the medical field.
Susan graduated from The Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing (BSN) in 1973.
Susan created chapter learning outcomes, exercises based on real-life patient records, chapter quizzes, test bank questions, answer keys, an Instructor's Manual, and on-line ancillary educational and testing materials for her two Pearson/Prentice Hall textbooks.
1. Medical Language: Immerse Yourself
2. Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals
As an adjunct professor in the School of Health, Wellness, and Physical Education at Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, MD, Susan created course syllabi, objectives, and weekly assignments and taught courses in medical terminology, pharmacology, and human diseases.
Susan helped to create the documentation for the initial accreditation of the community college's medical assisting program.
For a nearby private school, grades K through 8, Susan edited and offered creative suggestions for the content and images of the accreditation documentation, which subsequently won a regional award.
As a healthcare professional, Susan has worked in a variety of healthcare settings and held positions as an intensive care nurse (neonatal and pediatric), a plasmapheresis nurse, a medical transcriptionist, a writer for an anesthesiologist, a nurse in a dermatology/ENT physicians’ practice, a skilled nursing facility’s manager (quality assurance, credentialing, and medical records), and an HMO’s manager of corporate compliance. In that position, Susan was responsible for credentialing of participating physicians, inspecting their offices for compliance with standards, and creating documentation for the initial national accreditation of the HMO's utilization management department.
Susan is the author of Medical Language: Immerse Yourself, 5th edition, 860 pages (Pearson, 2020) and Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 6th edition, 640 pages (Pearson, projected copyright date 2021). For the development of these textbooks, she did all of the medical research and writing, selected all of the medical photographs from commercial photo sources, and worked collaboratively with a medical illustrator to optimize the medical accuracy and clarity of the illustrations. She also created the Index to the most recent edition of Medical Language: Immerse Yourself.
With an anesthesiologist co-author, Susan wrote two nationally funded grants and edited numerous abstracts and articles published in anesthesiologists’ journals. She helped to develop the Difficult Airway algorithm that was adopted as a standard of care by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). She helped the ENT physician she worked for to write a chapter in the textbook Cummings' Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery (Elsevier). Susan edited manuscripts for a visually impaired student as he progressed through Johns Hopkins University and graduated with his MD PhD, and she was the editor of his article (“Moving From Disability to Possibilityâ€) in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) (November 1, 2016). Most recently, Susan was the co-author with a physician of the article “Really Seeing the Patient: The Lost Art of Diagnosis,†presented as a seminar to medical residents and soon to be published in the journal of the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM).
Susan has also indexed a number of medical and technical textbooks.
Pulliam. The Nursing Assistant: Acute,
Subacute, and Long-Term Care. 369 pages.
"Susan T". Medical Language: Immerse Yourself,
5e. 845 pages
Lame. A Guided Approach to Intermediate and
Advanced Coding. 530 pages.
Witt. Sociology, 5e. 450 pages.
Montgomery. Applied Statistics and
Probability for Engineers. 479 pages.
Booth. Electrocardiography for Healthcare
Professionals. 428 pages.
Burden and Byrd. Methods of Effective
Teaching. 364 pages.
Cengel. Thermodynamics: An Engineering
Approach. 879 pages.
Susan is the author of Medical Language: Immerse Yourself, 5th edition, 860 pages (Pearson, 2020) and Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 6th edition, 640 pages (Pearson, projected copyright date 2021).