Sports, pop culture, film, food, business, government
Professional and collegiate sports, film, music, food, pop culture and community (emphasis on the DC metro area), government
Zach has taken on several projects focusing on professional sports and local business in the DC area. He has also supported several freelance projects, one of which detailed a South African mogul's efforts to sell repurposed aircraft to foreign militaries including the United States.
Informative, impassioned and data-driven, Zach's work in the sports field shows a depth of knowledge and a true love of the subject matter at hand.
Zach is clearly wired into his local community and shows a great deal of care when speaking with local business owners about their goings-on and how their current endeavors are putting northern Virginia on the map, in one way or another.
Engaging, data-driven and impassioned. Zach's work within the sports field has ranged from thought pieces to statistical breakdowns to in-depth rankings.