Alan Roberts specializes in various content spaces, including Healthcare, Mental Health, B2B and B2C, Content Marketing, Holistic Health Practices, Home Improvement, Survival, and Gardening.
Alan continues to learn about his passions, including his Wife, Fitness, Nutrition, Music, and anything to do with preserving Nature.
Alan studied Actuarial Science at the Ohio State University from 1987 until 1992. He earned a Bachelor's of Science degree in from the College of Mathematics and Physical Science. He graduated with a 3.78 cumulative GPA.
Alan is a lifelong health and fitness enthusiast and instructor. He specializes in nutrition, water-only fasting, natural plant medicines, meditation, pranayama, Yoga, and high-intensity cross-training.
Alan crafts intelligent SEO copy that grabs and holds the reader's attention while simultaneously earning loads of Google love. This increases organic traffic to the client's website, and thereby improves overall content marketing ROI.