Nutrition, Nutrition Research, Health & Wellness, Eating Disorders, Pre- & Post-Natal Nutrition, Bariatric Nutrition, Obesity (adult & childhood), Dieting
Cooking, Child Nutrition, Motivational writing
Melissa completed a Master's of Science in Nutrition from Texas Woman's University. Melissa was a graduate assistant for a few higher-level undergraduate nutrition courses during this time, including medical nutrition therapy and medical terminology. Melissa graduated with a 3.9 GPA.
Melissa Bloom has worked full-time in content development for a nutrition/app start-up company under a salaried title of, Registered Dietitian. Melissa wrote about (1) Weight Loss (2) Sports Nutrition (3) Nutritional Supplements. She directed this content and developed ideas on a weekly implementation basis, writing 2-4 articles and infographs per week. Melissa edited these articles and edited/coached co-workers on how to write about nutrition.
Melissa also wrote a one-time paid blog entry for At Home Athlete, LLC.
Melissa worked with business owner of At Home Athlete, LLC, Jerry Meizin, to develop a nutrition blog post about local restaurants in Cleveland, Ohio. Melissa discussed healthy options at these eateries and how to make nutritional choices while going out to eat. The purpose of this blog post was to market nutritional services to Jerry's local clients and it was successful.