Business Contract setup and negotiations. This experience has been for commercial products and services as well as Department of Defense purchases and sales. I have worked on both sides Government and Industry. I have experience as a buyer as well as a seller. My most recent 20 years of experience has been in writing licenses and agreements for the sale of U.S. defense/military equipment and services to foreign parties. This position also includes managing trade compliance for my employers.
Political science, U.S. and world politics, international relations, reading, writing, web surfing and exercising
This university is very specialized and provides the core courses one must study and pass in order to effectively manage trade compliance activities at a company. One can either get a certificate or a degree.
This educational institution has a focus on educating those with a business persuasion who want to get the training and degree and start working right away after graduation Alternatively, the degree opens doors to other schools that accept CCBI's accreditation toward a 4 year Bachelors Degree.
This school provides students entering with Associates Degrees a further refinement to the education by providing many liberal arts courses and the higher level business courses as well.
This prestigious school in Flagstaff Arizona has interested students entering from around the US. They offer 4 year degrees in a variety of fields. They graduates of their programs go onto become Professors, Forest Rangers, Park Rangers and Policemen and other law enforcement officers.
Andrew has myriad skills in writing technical documents as follows: Trade Compliance, Technical Assistance Agreement (TAA) and Manufacturing License Agreement (MLA) writing, license preparation, contract writing and negotiations. Preparation of pricing proposals. Export Classification of documents and equipment. Determining import duties and selecting the appropriate INCOTERMS type for shipments to establish who has risk of loss, and where the point of title transfer occurs.
Andrew has been working in the business world for over 40 years. Andrew's work experiences include proposal writing, contract negotiations and trade compliance.
Andrew has a background in Value Engineering. Value Engineering is a systematic and creative effort in an organization to learn about how an engineered product or technique is designed or created for the purpose of pulling out unnecessary cost. The goal is to identify cost savings whether they be in material reduction, material replacement or perhaps removing steps in the process that reduce man-hours and therefore costs of production. Federal contracts issued to industry often have Value Engineering clauses embedded. These clauses suggest sharing in cost reduction by both the contractor and the government. These clauses are very generous to the contractor, often providing 75 percent, even 100 percent of the cost savings to the contractor. The government will benefit by reduced future costs.
The field of engineering types is vast. Value engineering is particularly important in the military-industrial world. This field enables system users to propose and negotiate smart changes to the way something works or is done in order to save time and money