Professional and personal experience in several different writing styles.
Sociology, Psychology, Mental Health, Journalism, Blogging, Forensic Science, Lifestyle
Julie initially attended college to study Marine biology, but had a change of heart when she took a sociology class in her second semester. That is when she knew that she wanted to work more with people than animals.
Toggling between criminal law and elementary education, she was inspired to major in education after working for a preschool in 2007. After graduating with her associates degree in 2009, Julie planned to continue with her Bachelors degree, but her career in the business world steered her in a different direction.
Julie has over 10 years experience writing technical support documents, training manuals, and work instructions for some of the larges BPO call centers in the world. In addition, Julie has 5+ years experience assisting a variety of departments by writing for their monthly internal newsletters.
Julie has been writing her own blog, FamilyTalksWeekly.com since April of 2018, and has recently started writing for other online bloggers.