Jessica K
Writer #2515
Joined 2/13/2011
6 Star Rating
100% Success
19,100 Projects
26 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
With pieces published on topics ranging from heavy equipment rentals to the psychology behind hoarding and cyberbullying, Jessica has covered a surprising range of niche topics in her nearly 10 years of online writing experience. If she can craft interesting and informative blog posts about heat treating metal and pet enrichment techniques, she can write about your topic or company with just as much skill and finesse.p

10 years in the content and copy writing world has allowed her to work with both large producers and individuals seeking a personalized touch. Crafting a professional summary or biography that shines is a pleasure for her, but writing product descriptions is equally as enjoyable. She can pack plenty of detail into a 50 word blurb or spin out a keyword optimized tale to fulfill your needs for long form content for SEO purposes.
Home Living
Blog Post
CBD Products
16 More


- Construction, ranging from DIY homeowner projects to large scale custom home marketing packages
- Garden installation and care, home and commercial landscaping and landscape design, aquaponics and hydroponics, and agriculture content
- Industrial and manufacturing marketing and promotional materials, including customer-focused content explaining complex techniques in simple terms
- Real estate topics aimed at both agents in the business and end-users of their services
- Cannabis, hemp, and CBD content, with a special focus on CBD for pets
- Product descriptions, buying guides, and other e-commerce and retail marketing material
- Insurance, in both the commercial and personal sectors (B2B and B2C)
- Restaurant and food news and trends
- HVAC installation and repair, both commercial and residential, with a specific focus on heat pumps and air conditioners
- Home improvement, repair, and renovation articles, especially roofing and flooring
- Metal buildings
- Legal topics covered for consumer audiences
- Outdoor living, including camping, survival skills, foraging, hiking, fishing, archery, hunting, and more
- How To pieces and other instructional content
- Livestock and pet care articles, with a focus on organic and natural techniques

Producing and Editing Content in Surfer SEO
Blog Posts & Idea Generation
Marketing Writing
Feature Articles
Editorial Articles
Business Profiles and Personal Profiles
Promotional Writing & Self-Promotional Materials
Professional Rewriting to refresh dated or low-quality content
White Papers (from 2000 to 15000 words, with or without original research)
Ebooks of up to 30,000 words in length
Product Descriptions


When she's not busy writing, Jessica spends most of her time outdoors taking care of a three acre farmstead in the Appalachian mountains. She is constantly experimenting with gardening techniques to refine her "beyond organic" approach. She also enjoys multimedia art projects, some of which have been featured in local art galleries and shows. Her tabletop role playing game setting for the d20 open source project is set for initial release in early 2020.


Gordon College

Jessica studied Psychology at Gordon College. She planned to become a certified therapist, but chose freelance writing as her career instead when an English professor at the college encouraged her to do so.


1,737 Projects Completed

As a former marketing crew member of a construction and remodeling crew, she brings her experience in the office to all articles about construction. Her work has covered commercial concrete installation methods, home building techniques, and even DIY guides for hard working homeowners. Her work has appeared on the websites of some of the country's largest home improvement retailers, tool suppliers, and tool manufacturers.


1,221 Projects Completed

She's written hundreds of compelling product descriptions and business profiles for clients here at WriterAccess and privately. Her specialties include highlighting important features and showcasing their benefits for marketing content that connects with readers.


821 Projects Completed

She's written over 250 feature articles on gardening topics for the various web properties of a major publisher. Some of her work included how-to guides on planting or caring for specific plants, overviews on popular gardening methods, and in-depth studies of specific plant problems.

Green Living

810 Projects Completed

With one year of work experience at a solar panel installation company, she understands the lingo used in the industry and how to translate it for homeowners. She has created countless articles on improving the energy efficiency of the home and sustainable building practices for private clients.


543 Projects Completed

Insurance is never a dull topic when Jessica's writing about it. From commercial liability protection for businesses to umbrella coverage for homeowners, she's covered it all in nearly 500 articles for private and WA clients. Her spin and story telling style brings the topic to life and illustrates the importance of protection through insurance. She's even written a series of short white papers on specific insurance challenges, such as finding affordable insurance after a DUI, aimed at helping consumers understand their options and rights.


511 Projects Completed

Jessica has worked with a private client to keep a restaurant industry news website updated for over six years. She's discussed the rise of the fast casual industry, the competitive changes of the biggest fast food chains, and tracked trends in the fine dining world.


390 Projects Completed

Jessica has completed over 300 full length articles on a variety of hardware topics ranging from choosing tools for a contracting business to home renovation shopping. She's also written over 50 product descriptions for a major tool retailer. Each description shared the features of the product by discussing potential applications. This created an informative tone instead of a sales-orientated voice that discourages buyers.


205 Projects Completed

With over 60 detailed automotive descriptions under her belt, Jessica knows how to discuss car features. Her skills lie primarily in buying guides for the car shopper, but she's also written profiles on classic cars like the Lamborghini 911.

Home Living

138 Projects Completed

She's authored more than 50 articles on decorating, cleaning, and arranging furniture. From recipes for eco-friendly cleaning products to simple shelf installation instructions, she's covered it all. She also uses her personal experience for many articles because she's built a sofa, woven a hammock from scratch, and enjoys cooking challenging dishes in her spare time.


112 Projects Completed

After entering the web writing industry in the first place with an article on ferret training, she's continued writing about animal issues throughout her career. Her work has covered pet & animal enrichment, disease treatments and other topics. She's even discussed the difficulties of caring for wild animals and treating specific livestock diseases.


101 Projects Completed

As an organic farmer, she spends much of her personal time researching the latest techniques and breakthroughs to ensure her own fields stay productive. She has brought this passion to numerous projects for private clients needing information on serious agricultural issues.


66 Projects Completed

Her craft writing work mostly focused on guides following a tutorial format for a well-known how-to website. She's also written many general articles listing craft ideas and projects for both adults and children. The projects ranged from DIY home decorating tips to complex knitting designs requiring knowledge of related terms. Jessica completed most of the described crafting projects herself at least once to ensure a high level of accuracy.

Green Products

63 Projects Completed

Jessica has written extensively in the construction tech/ConTech and solar energy fields.


60 Projects Completed

She has created website content for a range of professionals along the West Coast, including dentists, chiropractors, and podiatrists. Her research skills help her craft compassionate marketing orientated content that contains sound information about medical procedures.


58 Projects Completed

Jessica completed an entire website's worth of content for an appliance repair and management company operating out of Houston, Texas. She's also written articles for the homeowner detailing how to troubleshoot common problems, and how to find the best deals on appliances.


50 Projects Completed

Jessica's electronics writing work included feature articles on various new electronics, including the iPad and other Apple products, for a private client. She has also written how-to guides and general articles on Wordpress plug-ins, smart phone troubleshooting, and television repair.

Self Help

42 Projects Completed

With a background and personal interest in psychology, she's used compassion to create self help content that approaches serious topics from an experienced point of view. Her training and ordination as a non-denominational minister also allows her to write on spiritual topics without having to take a specific stance that might turn off some readers.


31 Projects Completed

She's discussed the benefits of specific forms of pre-employment testing, collected tips and tricks on attracting better candidates, and written about headhunting tactics as well.

CBD Products

25 Projects Completed

While Jessica didn't start writing about CBD until the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, she's covered it extensively since then. Her work has included both B2B and B2C content.


5,833 Projects Completed

With nearly 2000 articles written at WA alone, Jessica knows how to tie a piece together. She can craft anything from an informational heart disease overview to a celebrity news round-up.

Product Description

3,290 Projects Completed

Jessica has crafted exciting and informative product descriptions for everything from high-end rifle scopes to adult novelties. As a product description writer, she considers the perspective of shoppers when deciding which features to highlight and always explains their benefits.

Blog Post

2,471 Projects Completed

Jessica has maintained a variety of personal blogs on spiritual and sustainable living projects through platforms that include Wordpress, Blogger, Blogspot and Tumblr. She has also contributed to the blogs of some of the largest alternative spirituality sites currently running, including The Wild Hunt and its satellite blogs. Her work for various private and WA clients primarily involved blog posts, leading her to write hundreds of pieces of content for blogs over the years.

Web Page

321 Projects Completed

She has created fresh and original copy for numerous private clients. Her willingness to take a new approach to each company means that her clients all receive content tailored to their strengths, written with a confident voice.


102 Projects Completed

Her first eBook totaled over 30,000 words, but her more recent works are in the 8,000 to 15,000-word range. Jessica brings skill and speed to the eBook creation process to build valuable marketing collateral.

White Paper

81 Projects Completed

Ranging in length from 5 to 22 pages in length, the white papers written by Jessica span industries from construction tech to insurance. She can take dry data from recent studies or surveys and transform them into engaging white papers that gently sell their point.


18 Projects Completed

With Jessica's work, it's easy to get answers on everything from radon tests to wall plastering. She'll also happily handle the research to find out what people are really asking to build an FAQ that brings in web searchers.

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