Bart's specialties include management and business, accounting, and psychology and human development.
Bart has been a student of psychology, symbols, and language for nearly 50 years. He is an avid boxing and tennis fan. He enjoys the chess struggle and has played in many minor, and a few major, tournaments throughout the years, without much success, but with much enjoyment. He has also been an enthusiastic, if not particularly talented, rock climber and mountain hiker on such mountains as Mt. Elbert and Mt. Rainier. Above all else, except for family, are his passions for reading, study, and writing, focusing largely on psychology, language, and symbols.
Bart graduated in 1980, Phi Theta Kappa, with a Major in Accounting.
Bart has completed over 200 projects of various types in the content writing field, in industries as varied as transportation and logistics, accounting, retail, manufacturing, and real estate. His goal is to provide content that is unique and completely satisfactory to the client. He brings a wide range of business experience to his writing, along with a keen general interest in how the business world works.
The IT field is vast, with many different areas under its umbrella. These include security, maintenance, communication, efficient function, and networks. Bart has written extensively for clients in the IT arena.
Have completed numerous projects on travel, sports, nutrition, and fitness.
Bart has completed a number of transportation projects for the trucking industry, including an article concerning the electronic logging devices now mandated and the current shortage of truck drivers. Other topics included the logistics of the trucking industry and how freight practices affect the environment. He has also written product description in the transportation industry.
As a hiker, climber, and jogger, Bart has been passionately involved in outdoor recreation at some of the most beautiful and inspiring mountain areas of the country, such as Yosemite, Mt. Whitney, Mt. Rainier, Guadalupe Peak, and Enchanted Rock. As might be expected, love and enthusiasm for any topic shine through in the writing!
Bart has completed a number of projects that involved different forms and uses of energy, such as solar. He has written articles on various air conditioning and heating topics as well. Energy makes the world go round and, in this era of conservation of resources and climate change, is a crucial topic for both nations and households.
Bart has completed several projects in the vital ways that people can increase their satisfaction and enjoyment of life. Most of these are not "rocket science" and involve physical fitness and mental practices that anyone may get benefit from!
Bart has an especially keen interest in technology, particularly as it relates to humans and the ways we do things. The printing press was a technology that certainly changed the world. It brought the scientific community together by allowing faster, cheaper, and better communication, and it changed the very way people thought. The computer is bringing radical changes to our world now, as we become increasingly linked by the internet and the appliances and structures around us. And this is only the beginning!
Bart has written blog posts for a number of firms on topics such as healthcare, taxes, transportation and logistics, architecture, and internet security.
Bart has written articles of interest in numerous areas.
Bart has had experience with numerous content types, including Books, eBooks, Articles, Blog posts, and Webinar summaries.
Bart has written several press releases and other articles designed to enhance public perceptions.