Chronic Diseases, Diabetes, Addiction, Medication Management, Pharmacy, Women's Health, Pharmaceuticals, Health Systems, Orthopedics, Sleep Disorders, Mental Health, Pain Management, Editing, Content Marketing
Healthcare, pharmaceuticals, Latin American studies
Writes about drug development, investigations and approvals. Also writes about the happenings in the pharmaceutical marketplace.
Created content marketing pieces, including patient testimonials and condition pages, for orthopedic surgeons, vascular surgeons, physical therapists. Also wrote long-form content for addiction rehabilitation facilities concerning treatment options, types of addiction and lifestyle.
Writes about health insurance and how it affects both the marketplace and patient utilization. By extension, writes about the Affordable Care Act.
Wrote five to six original health care articles weekly concerning the gamut of health conditions. Primary audience was pharmacists, however certain pieces of content were crafted to be consumer-facing.
Wrote blog posts about conditions and scenarios related to addiction to appear on rehabilitation facility blogs.