Articles, blog posts, press releases, bios, social media posts, talking points, fact sheets, speeches, reviews, direct response, marketing copy.
Culture, arts, film, social media, food, media, pop culture, city living, transportation, real estate, sustainability, technology.
Charles graduated from Boston University's College of Communications with a Bachelors of Science degree in Broadcast & Film. While there, he was introduced to journalism, advertising copywriting, screen writing and film criticism.
Charles has written newsletter articles about home heating and cooling directed to homeowners and on behalf of fuel oil, propane, and HVAC companies. He has also written direct response letters, brochures, web copy and ads to increase business.
Charles has written about artists who have achieved international recognition for their works and those on the cusp of discovery. As a vigorous researcher with a passion for the arts, he has composed profiles, Q&A style interviews, bios, and reviews.
Charles has written advertising and marketing copy to promote products, services, and expertise as one off pieces as well as long-term campaigns to generate leads. He specializes in both short and long form copy, from digital ads and post cards to full page ads and brochures.
As the Director of Communications for an international luxury real estate company, Charles supported the launch of the brand in North America writing messaging points, advertising and sales copy, press releases, names for newly introduced real marketing products and services and establishing its social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Charles has posted blogs about home improvement tips, sports, film festivals and home design. From generating creative topic ideas, to the art direction of relevant photos, the goal of each blog is to ensure that it meets an overall strategic goal and makes its impact when amplified on multiple social media platforms.
More than eight years writing public relations pieces including press releases, talking points, pitches, bylined articles, speeches, executive bios and research reviews.