Bob M
Writer #22161
Joined 7/27/2017
6 Star Rating
100% Success
2,257,217 Projects
7 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Bob has more than 25 years of professional writing experience and is an award-winning public speaker. He spent the first 12 years of his professional career as a broadcaster working for ABC News affiliates in Oregon and Alaska. Bob anchored and produced the prime time newscast in the Anchorage Metro area for the last four years of his work in front of the camera.

Since 2009 Bob has worked as a writer, editor and marketing professional for hundreds of clients, with particular emphasis on email marketing. His sales and donation email letters have generated millions of dollars in revenue for nonprofits, churches, political action committees and candidates. In addition, Bob's years working in television allowed him to develop a skill-set that easily transitioned into writing commercial scripts for a wide variety of businesses and organizations. He has also taught college-level courses on journalism and breaking into freelance writing as a career.

Bob lives in California with his wife and four children.
Email Copy
Web Page
Landing Page
1 More


Medical Materials, Commercial Scripts, Landing Pages, Email Marketing Campaigns, Articles, Blog Posts


Bob has written content for clients in the following niches:

Medical: COVID-19, Insurance & Medicare, Dentistry, General Practitioner, Chiropractic, Cosmetic Procedures
Commercial Scripts for Sales, Donations & Petitions
Marketing Materials
Email & Direct Mail Sales Letters
Real Estate
Emergency Preparedness
Martial Arts
Diet & Fitness
Parenting, Family & Pregnancy
Pets & Animal Husbandry
Life Hacks & DIY Projects
Politics & Political Commentary
Automotive Reviews
General News


Eastern Oregon University

Bob left the university early to start a career in broadcast journalism (1997) and went back to complete his degree several years later, after he was promoted to News Director for a group of ABC News affiliate radio stations in Oregon.


4,659 Projects Completed

Bob has 20 years' experience writing for the political realm as both a journalist and a consultant. The materials produced by Bob for political clients (both candidates and PACs) range from blog and social media posts to television commercials and landing pages. Bob has written campaign commercials and fundraising letters for Sen. Ted Cruz, Congressman Ron Paul, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Herman Cain and Donald Trump, among many others. Commercials produced from Bob's scripts have appeared on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. He covered politics for ABC News affiliates in Oregon and Alaska from 1997-2009, writing stories and producing newscasts that covered dozens of political battles, ranging from local mayoral contests to presidential races.

Real Estate

801 Projects Completed

Bob has written hundreds of articles, podcast notes, blog posts and eBooks for realtors to increase their website credibility and drive new sales to prospective homebuyers.


567 Projects Completed

Bob has written web pages and blog pages for veterinary clinics for many years. His love and knowledge of animals and animal husbandry began when Bob was growing up on his parents' cattle ranch in rural Oregon. During his lifetime, Bob has raised Hereford and Angus cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, chickens, turkeys, pheasants and other small livestock. He and his family currently own a dog, two cats, a turtle, a guinea pig, and some sheep and goats. If you need content written about pets or livestock, Bob has nearly 50 years' worth of experience that he'd love to put to work for you.


391 Projects Completed

Bob has written blog posts, articles and brochures for clients in the medical industry. Medical topics he has written on include dermatology, wound treatment, dentistry, cosmetic surgery, pregnancy and birthing (Bob is a father to four children, after all), pediatrics, and chiropractic. Bob has also written numerous brochures for medical device companies.


303 Projects Completed

Bob has written web pages, articles and blog posts for attorney websites throughout his writing career. He crafts accurate and compelling, authoritative copy for attorney clients through meticulous research of state-specific legal statutes and existing case history. Bob also has real-world experience in the legal system through jury service on civil cases, and by serving on the grand jury that indicted one of the most notorious murderers in Alaska's history. And when all else fails, he just asks his wife for help. She's an attorney, and they've been married for 20 years.

Web Page

2,243,388 Projects Completed

Bob has written hundreds of evergreen web pages for companies in his years as a freelance writer. This is content that remains relevant and useful for a company's clients and potential clients for months or even years to come. Accurate research is the key to produce accurate web page content, and Bob provides that for his clients every time.


3,508 Projects Completed

Bob has written thousands of articles to drive traffic to clients' websites and helped to establish them as experts in various niches, including real estate, veterinary, medical, travel and automotive.

Email Copy

2,206 Projects Completed

Bob has written thousands of direct response email marketing messages for sales, donations, click-through campaigns, drip campaigns, A/B split testing, and more. His email campaigns have generated millions of dollars for clients in the political arena, including current Members of Congress, Super PACs and Non-Connected PACs. Bob has also written email campaigns for list revival, introductory client signups and other CRM aspects of email list management.


1,024 Projects Completed

Bob spent 12 years writing scripts for ABC News affiliates and now he can put those skills to work for you! Since 2009 Bob has written hundreds of commercial video scripts for Political Action Committees, candidates, private businesses and nonprofits. Bob's scripts are formatted to industry standard for ease of shooting and editing. He can also write commercial scripts for radio if needed, as well as scripts for YouTube news and commentary programs, whiteboard video scripts and more.

Landing Page

316 Projects Completed

Bob has written entire turnkey website content for clients since 2009, including Home Pages, Services, About Us, and more. He has also written many "splash" pages designed to entice readers to take an action, such as clicking through for more information or to buy a product.


54 Projects Completed

Bob has written and designed brochures for companies that range from medical device providers to shoe manufacturers to email marketing firms. Whether you need a technical industry brochure for a trade show or a direct mail brochure, Bob can create a message to meet your needs and exceed your expectations! Bob uses MS Publisher to craft eye-catching brochures, or can simply provide the concise text that you need for your own brochure product.

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