The writing she has done in the past includes many public works as well as her own private writing including cookbooks, Romance, non-fiction, historical, business and so many more.
She is published on Amazon as well as Smashwords and other entities on and offline. She as an addiction to writing!
In between finishing her education and her professional career, Teresa volunteers as a Marketing Manager for Webb Paranormal Group, where she finds her skills as a Writer and a marketer is useful.
Learning how to work with concept, code, and publish my own standards-based content for formats from websites to mobile devices – building my knowledge of languages such as HTML5, CSS, XML, ActionScript, and JavaScript.I tried to go beyond programming in order to master the fundamentals of form and function that go into a user-friendly online experience.
Studies included Computer Science and General Studies. This is where the student learns the fundamentals of English Education and the basic skills of computer science in order to transfer to a more advanced education level.
Studies included many writing classes in print and online
Instructions were to write blog post for a Carnival Cruise Blog Specializing in Caribbean Cruises and the Sands Resorts Hotels. The blog is an affiliate looking to place back links within the post itself in order to draw traffic to gain the sales for the Cruise site. The blog post was SEOed in a way to create the attention needed for the client to receive the traffic from the search engines, therefor, raising the sales from the main site.
The article she wrote for this industry was to give parents a few ideas on how to set up a playroom for their younger children. It had to give decorative, practical and safety ideas within the 500 word count article. It was accepted and paid for by the client.
Since Teresa works with several clients in various niches and brands, she has a wide range of subjects she has written about in the past. Some of these include articles on the paranormal, cosmetics, trucking industry, medical, financing, computers, product reviews, etc. These are just a sampling of the skills she can offer her clients.
Since Teresa works with several clients in various niches and brands, she has a wide range of subjects she has written about in the past. Some of these include articles on the paranormal, cosmetics, trucking industry, medical, financing, computers, product reviews, etc. These are just a sampling of the skills she can offer her clients.