Isabelle E
Writer #21409
Joined 6/13/2017
4 Star Rating
100% Success
332 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Isabelle has been writing on the internet since 2000. She has been published in regional magazines, newspapers and news outlets in their travel section. She has written articles and blog posts for beauty and women's websites, interior design, childcare and education, maternity clothing, entertainment, sports teams. theatre, finance, bookkeeping, taxes and accounting, probate, tax-exempt bookkeeping, cruise ports, insurance, health, healthcare, assisted living, nutrition, real estate, senior issues, aging, heating and cooling, holiday topics, grief, pet health, heartworm, special occasions, veterinary and chiropractic issues, credit cards and reward programs and International travel and tourism.


Isabelle's specialties include retirement and senior living, taking photos of food, destinations she has visited and nature. Researching her genealogy and those of others is another specialty that combines well with her knowledge of history and the arts. She also has an interest in health topics including but not limited to cataracts, glaucoma, arthritis, dementia, Parkinson's disease, health and aging, and Alzheimer's.

Owning a home, retiring to Florida, living your best life, surviving loss, growing old with dignity, enjoying life after retirement, and all retirement topics. Home renovation and home repairs are something Isabelle has a lot of experience with since she owns three homes. Also pet ownership especially dogs, with four furry friends sharing her life.


Isabelle's interests are varied and include extensive travel both within and outside the United States. She is an enthusiastic blogger on a variety of topic including travel, local interest, home, food, book reviews, genealogy, and snowbirding. A photo blog also highlights her love of taking pictures. As a mother and grandmother, family topics are also high in her interests. All aspects of retirement and aging including surviving loss of a spouse. Cruising is a favorite way to travel as well as money saving tips for travel, cooking, and living.


Middlesex Community College

Psychology and accounting/business work very well for a career in an office. Four classes of accounting psychology along with history, science, and other business related courses were undertaken part-time while working full time. Graduated with high honors.


103 Projects Completed

Isabelle has done extensive ghost travel writing. Producing articles and blog posts for a variety of clients including and the Boston local CBS affiliate.


25 Projects Completed

Senior spending and Social Security issues are a specialty. How to save money and investing tips also written about.


25 Projects Completed

As a parent, she has written many articles about the joys and the trials of parenting.


179 Projects Completed

Isabelle has written many articles for clients on a variety of travel topics. Latest clients include a major travel website, an International client from China and a major cruise consolidator.

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