Technical Writing
Copywriting, Technical Writing
General coursework in English, Western Civilization, Economics, Problem Solving, Psychology and Graphic Communications.
2015, Earned with distinction a certificate from the feature film writing program at UCLA.
Graduating June 2017, diploma program, Copywriting, The College of Media and Publishing.
Aviation procedural technical writing - aircraft maintenance instructions, cabin. (Note: ATA100 formatting is lost in the below example).
Maintenance Manuals in support of the following aircraft types:
Airbus A318, A319, A320 and A330
Embraer Regional Jet ERJ190
Challenger CL850
Boing 737 Series -700 through -900 and ERs
Experience in Technical Writer spans 23 years after first entering the industry as a Draftsman, then advancing through Mechanical Design. While still active as a Technical Writer, Copywriting has been formally added to the skill set.
Illustrated Parts Catalog, Aviation.
Experience in Technical Writer spans 23 years after first entering the industry as a Draftsman, then advancing through Mechanical Design. While still active as a Technical Writer, Copywriting has been formally added to the skill set.
Writing to meet the film industry standards.
Experience in Technical Writer spans 23 years after first entering the industry as a Draftsman, then advancing through Mechanical Design. While still active as a Technical Writer, Copywriting has been formally added to the skill set.