- Medieval Literature
- Website content writing
- Editing
- Sci-fi/Fantasy Literature
- Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
- Blog writing, Writing Creative Non-fiction
- Editing
- Producing website content
- Anything dealing with words, writing, reading, and creativity!
After completing general education courses at a community college, I then transferred to the University of New Orleans to complete my Bachelor's degree in English. I concentrated in British Literature and held a 4.0 for 2 consecutive years while at UNO.
Upon completion of my bachelor's degree from UNO, I was accepted into the graduate program. I completed the program in 2 years and successfully defended my thesis and passed a comprehensive exam in the Early British Literature area which covered British Literature from the Middle Ages until 1660.
As a student, my communication, editing, interpersonal, and writing skills have been greatly strengthened. In the 2015-16 school year, I completed a professional assistantship in the English department. I was specifically assigned to two organizations that are housed within the department: The Greater New Orleans Writing Project and the Scholastic Writing Awards of Southeast Louisiana. My primary responsibilities included: community outreach through social media and by phone for participation in our programs and possible recruitment for the English department as well as management of the 2016 Scholastic Writing Awards for the Southeast chapter. I also assisted in the running of the English department’s recruitment event “Class It Up” for 2 years. Prior to my time at UNO, I worked in the customer service industry for 6 years and in 2016 began my own entrepreneurial adventure from home selling personalized gifts through social media.
One of Jillian's primary responsibilities when working at the University of New Orleans was to run the public Facebook account pages for the Greater New Orleans Writing Project and the Scholastic Writing Awards of Southeast Louisiana. The organizations sought to promote participation in their programs through social media outreach.
As an assistant for the non-profit organization, Scholastic Writing Awards of Southeast Louisiana, one of Jillian's duties included creating promotional flyers to recruit students for the free writing workshops our organization held. She created the flyers using both Paint and Photoshop.