Writing, social media, graphic design, editing, press releases, blog posts, SEO, sales, marketing, email marketing, pillar pages, newsletters, and more!
New technologies, writing, social media trends, analytics, google platform creations, dogs, comics, business, technology, DIY and home improvement, and more!
Jazzy received her BA in Journalism and Mass Communication in 3.5 years from the lauded Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. She was taught by current top professionals in their fields, and obtained skills in copy and content editing; digital and multimedia practices; data design; writing for mobile, print and desktop; video and photo editing, graphic and art design principles; social media; and public relations.
Learned core skills of contemporary interaction design.
• Obtained skills in Product Design including user research, motion graphics, & UX design.
• Studied User Experience, learning how an audience views & interacts with digital products.
• Visual Design concepts such as color theory, typography, imaging, & branding.
• Motion Graphics concepts: how visual elements change over time to craft narratives.
• Technology, including programming websites, mobile apps, and interactive experiences.
• Worked on Internet of Things (IoT) projects, such as wearables and physical computing.
• Conducted research into how User Experience is the sum of how your audience interacts
with your brand, from conceptual designs to screen-based prototypes.
• Conducted field research & UX research into market segment types and workflows.
Jazzy has become an industry leader in the marketing field, creating professional content for businesses in all industries. Not only does she create high-quality marketing content, but she also serves as a marketing consultant.
Jazzy has worked extensively on animal-related blog posts and website pages. As the proud dog mother of two fur children, Jazzy brings a love of pets and the happiness they can bring to your life. She has volunteered at a dog and cat rescue, as well as with various rescues to bring awareness to fostering. Jazzy has experience with a variety of dog breeds such as pug, beagle, Alaskan Malamute, Malamute, pit mixes, Australian Shepards, and more! Additionally, she has experience with dog activities such as training, housebreaking, dock diving, and how to care for your pet.
Jazzy has a vast array of samples of content created for SaaS and technology-based firms.
As a former professional journalist, Jazzy has extensive experience researching complicated technology terms, subjects, and news - all while translating that information into comprehensible digital articles.
Jazzy has undertaken many CBD-related products and understands the nuances of the CBD field.
Jazzy has been a copywriter for years, both as a professional journalist and as a freelance writer. Recently, she has delved further into the field of ghostwriting and created: an ebook; marketing emails for a large tech company; and blog posts for a variety of industries here on WA.
Jazzy has written dozens of blog posts. Her specialty is to write each post in such a way as to maintain corporate standards and your brand's voice, while bringing a fresh take to the subject. Each blog post will be thoroughly researched and external links will be provided.
Custom webpages that are designed and tailored to fit you and your clients' needs.
Jazzy has written PPC ads, or pay per click, that are targeted to specific audiences. When a customer goes into a search engine and types in specific keywords, the first couple of results are paid search ads. These are very effective at engaging new customers who are already searching for a business' industry. From there, those passive consumers become active customers, who are more likely to buy from your client's business.
One way to stand out from the competition is to highlight your business's successes. Case studies help showcase your accomplishments.