Stephen G
Writer #20526
Joined 4/19/2017
3 Star Rating
3 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Stephen has a degree in creative writing. He has been writing in a variety of forms for over a decade. His writing has won awards, he has published stories, and he maintains his own blog, in addition to creating excellent content for clients.
Self Help
Blog Post


Publishing, sports, entertainment, personal development


Publishing, sports, entertainment, personal development, politics, personal finance, customer service, real estate


University of Tennessee

Stephen graduated cum laude from the University of Tennessee, on schedule, with a BA in English and a concentration in creative writing.


0 Projects Completed

Stephen began writing at a young age. As he’s gotten older and written more, he continues to read and form opinions on what works and what doesn’t, what’s useful and what isn’t in the world of writing. His personal blog features reviews and in-depth editorials on the craft of writing

Self Help

0 Projects Completed

As with most people, Stephen has made strides to improve himself. One particular area of interest is in the notion that people who seek help for personal development are often doing much better than the negative voice in their heads would have them believe. Stephen has written a guest blog post on this subject.


0 Projects Completed

Stephen has been an avid sports fan, particularly when it comes to American football, for over a decade. He played American football himself for five years while in school, and he now watches games as a fan but with an analyst's eye. He has written game reviews and opinion pieces on his personal blog.

Blog Post

2 Projects Completed

Stephen has been writing blog posts for years, on a variety of subjects, usually in the publishing and entertainment fields. He also has experience crafting blog posts to order for content clients, informative posts about subjects as different as classical music and the real estate market. He has approached these posts with a variety of styles, mostly conversational, though he is certainly capable of adapting to any client’s preference.


1 Projects Completed

Stephen received payment for an article about concrete in the Tennessee Concrete Association magazine when he was in high school. While he hasn't written much about concrete since then, he has written about topics that aren't properly covered with the blog format.

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